Saturday, November 08, 2008

Close Encounters of the Vehicular Kind

Article = None , personal experience

Was walking home from the grocery store a day or two ago with my hands full , staring mostly at the ground but I was paying attention to traffic , even though it was a parking lot.

And as I'm walking behind this brown mini van ? Pick up truck with the back turned into a cab ? Whatever it was , it started backing up towards me. And it obviously didn't see me ,and the back window was pretty dirty or tinted or something you couldn't see in and I have no doubt the driver couldn't see it and didn't realize HE WAS ABOUT TO RUN ME DOWN !!!!

Skipped to the side some what faster than I'd ever moved in the last two years, and he started turning in that direction , still backing up , still keeping me firmly in his blind spot in the center of that dirty window that no one could see anything through.

Skipped to the side even faster. I swear , it's been almost a decade since I moved that fast. I didn't even know I could do that anymore.

The truck pulls up RIGHT beside me , so I'm staring in the passenger window inches from the glass, which is tinted , but I'm so close I can see in anyways, and theres this old lady drawing back in fear and shouting. And the truck took off like a bat out of hell.

Tip to you drivers.

Next time you're backing up , and this scary old man with his hands full of grocereies suddenly apears out of nowhere inches from your car and he lookes totally pissed at you and he's swearing his head off ? It's because YOU ALMOST RAN HIM OVER YOU STUPID TWIT !!!!

Just a subtle reminder. Be careful out there.

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