Wednesday, November 05, 2008

ANALYSIS-Why John McCain lost the White House


McCain's attempts to portray Barack Obama as a tax-raising socialist with friends who were terrorists drove away moderate voters, who handed the Democrat a decisive victory on Tuesday.

Didn't lie convincingely when he portrayed this 20 year vetran of a christian church as a muslim terrorist.

But the Arizona senator's response fell flat. He did not distance himself early or forcefully enough from President George W. Bush, party strategists said, and his lack of a coherent economic message loomed large as the issue trumped the Iraq war in voters' minds.

Stood loyal to his party that was butt ..fugging ... the nation. And indirectly the world. No idea about the economey except to keep on butt fugging the people who's votes you're trying to win , oh we can't say that can we ? maybe I just won't have an economic platform ...

He championed himself as someone who largely opposed regulation in the financial industry but reversed course when banks started failing and the Wall Street crisis spread.

Got caught lying.

Feehery faulted McCain for abiding by campaign finance laws and not making more of Obama's association with his controversial former pastor, Rev. Jeremiah Wright

No go. Painting him as a friend of a christian would have interfered with the smear campaign of painting him as a muslim terrorist.

"McCain spent the entire summer drawing a contrast with Obama over experience and the Palin decision threw that out the window," said Reed. ""(But) you can't blame Palin for the loss. She energized the party and the base ..."

Said Obama had no experience, then hired a rookie for vice president. Caught lying again.

My opinion why mcain lost.

The Economey went to pot during the election. You were forced to actually *DO* something, vote for or against that 700 billion dollar bail out. And everyone got to see you in action *BEFORE* the election. And they were not impressed.

Thats what happened.

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