Sunday, October 26, 2008

Saturday Paper

Article = none, personal experience

Ah , the Liberal press, so predictable.
(Liberal party is pro-big business here in canada)

I turn to the editorials in todays Ottawa Sun and what do I see ? One article detailing how evil our conservative Prime Minister is for actually LOWERING TAXES ! And he should raise taxes again immediately or terrible things will happen ! For which it goes into great detail. (He knocked 2% of the GST)

Another article details how Fee's of some kind should be introduced so that the infrastructure can be fixed up so more and more people can live downtown . And give construction companies work to fix up that infrastructure. And contribute to the traffic jams and breath the car exhaust fumes , well, maybe they didn't mention that part but I feel it's an important consideration. This is called "Tax and Spend" by the way. And of course, it's businesses (constrution companies who do the work) who benifit by this , not the general population. Only an idiot wants to breath exhaust fumes 24 hrs a day 7 days a week for years without end.

A third praises Bob Rae, now that he's defected from the NDP and joined the pro-business Liberals, and proffers tactical advice on how the liberals can win the next election. Notions such as "Do good to the general public" and "Quit taxing the heck out of people you're already taking more than half of every dollar they make" are not part of the discussion. The notion that there might be something wrong with giving money strictly to businesses and taxing the heck out of the common man is given no credence.

I remember when I was young, there would be two articles in the editorial page. One in favor of whatever issue was hot this week, and one against. People would read them both and make up their own minds. A nice, balanced approach.

Thats all gone now.

It's all Liberal pro-business the public is an idiot if you disagree with us Horrible Things Will Happen If You Don't Do As We Say !! Nonsense ! Neutrality is gone. The press has stopped reporting the news and has firmly allied itself with one political group. The one representing big business, because, lets face it , the press *IS* big business. They're all newspaper chains now there are no independant papers.

I don't buy newspapers anymore I get my news online. Let them go fish , I have no use for people who demand money for me , in exchange for which they will give me unwanted advice and scare mongering and insinuations that I'm an idiot if I don't believe their every word.

Thats just arrogance.

And thats ... not news.

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