Sunday, October 05, 2008

A Dion Supporter Spews Hot Air


The derogatory descriptions of Stéphane Dion are telling. He is "a geek." He is "professorial." He needs new glasses – better still, contact lenses.

This is teen talk. Shallow.

Can't remember anyone saying that about him. Do remember him saying that Harper was "Hoover in a blue sweater" , is that teen talk as well ? Or is it ok because THE MIGHTY DION said so ?

These are the obsessions of the age of slick marketing and the TV clip. Shouldn't we rather be asking if the leader of the Liberal party has integrity? Intelligence? Knowledge? Experience? Judgment? Courage? Vision?

All I saw from him was TAX TAX TAX ...give money to quebec corperations for killing 20 people with Listerosis...

Does he have anything useful to say about the economy? The environment? Medicare? Child care? Poverty? National unity? Urban Canada? Relations with the United States? Our Afghan quagmire?

In order, I believe his position is TAX , Tax the polluters, no comment , no comment , QUEBEC IS POOR GIVE US MORE MONEY , Break the Country apart, urban Canada aint quebec let them suffer, USA is to be emulated , and Let the Terrorists win - lets go home until they follow us here.

The real rap against Dion is that he does not inspire people. Harper inspires fear. Take your pick.

But it's Dion I fear , not Harper. You sure you're not getting that mixed up ?

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