Friday, November 30, 2007

The Schreiber Show


Schreiber, who was brought to Parliament Hill in handcuffs, initially refused to answer any questions. But he eventually began to selectively answer some inquiries.

Schreiber offered few details on what was involved in the cash payments, saying the money which was given to Mulroney shortly after he left office was "for future services."

Today , Karlheinz Schreiber was brought to Parliament Hill in handcuffs by the current government, filled with the knowledge that it had no intention of blocking his extradition to germany for corruption and fraud. All crimes ,you will note, that hinge on his ability to lie. He was here to report on his activities with attempts to bribe a previous prime minister, another crime that hinges on his ability to lie profusely.

He then proceeded to take the opportunity to say things that made the previous prime minister look even worse than he already did ,and to paint a horrible picture of corruption and political abuse. The only evidence supporting these accusations ? Schreiber's word and nothing else.

And the opposition loves it, because it makes the current prime minister look bad. And they want to extend Schreiber's show as long as they possibly can , to keep it in the public eye what awful evil people run this country and you should never even think about voting for them again , vote for us instead !

It's all politics. It's all mud smearing. And it doesn't have a wit to do with justice or fair play or finding out what really happens. The opposition doesn't care about what really happened, they only care about slinging mud.

And why is this bad ?

Because once upon a time , a long time ago , there was this thing called democracy. And part of democracy was the opposition party who lost the election being used as watch dogs to look for corruption. They gave you a fair shake if you were honest ,and they screamed bloody murder if you were not.

And now they scream bloody murder no matter what, honest or not. And no one listens to them anymore, because they've been screaming for so long we've tuned them out. They ALWAYS say bad things about the current government , it's their job to do this , we say to ourselves.

And so an intigral part of democracy is now permitted to decay and fall into disuse. Like the boy who cried wolf too often , no one listens to him anymore.

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