Monday, November 19, 2007

Phone Spam

Article = none, personal experiance

I was feeling sick today , so I stayed home in bed. But ... I had the phone.
When people call , we get one regular ring if it's local , and one long two short if they're long distance. Guess what ? All the telemarketers are long distance, usually based out of toronto.

One call completely empty, I just hung up.

One from my doctor (local call , didn't answer)

and one interesting one. I picked it up and for a moment I heard nothing but blank static, said hello a time or two ... and it connected me to some woman babbling something about blind atheletes. (I hung up).

I can see it now. A dozen sales agents sitting in cubicals , a computer doing the phoning, oops ! this is a live one , direct to an agent... keep on phoning the next number. Doesn't even ask you to press one anymore... it just dumps an agent on you.

From the companys perspective , it's probably very efficient, since the agents are talking to people all the time , not blindly dialing number after number and hoping someone pickes up.

From my I know why the phone rings off the hook during the day.

I love that one long two short ring ... it's always a spammer, and we never pick it up.

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