Friday, November 30, 2007
UK In (Slow) Motion
Talks over teddy row sentence
High-level diplomatic negotiations are set to continue over the 15-day prison sentence given to a British teacher for naming a teddy bear Mohammed.
Awwww...isn't that cute. You let some child name his teddy bear Mohammed.... and then the religious fanatics decided it was an insult to a religion you're not even a part of , so you're going to jail , not the child .. nice !
What I like most about this article is the Brits getting involved in negotiations to free this woman. You do know that these negotiations take months , right ? But it's only a 15 day sentence ? She'll be home before they finish clearning their throats and even get well started in on this issue.
But ... that probably won't interrupt them in their chosen path.
Sometimes I wonder....
The Schreiber Show
Schreiber, who was brought to Parliament Hill in handcuffs, initially refused to answer any questions. But he eventually began to selectively answer some inquiries.
Schreiber offered few details on what was involved in the cash payments, saying the money which was given to Mulroney shortly after he left office was "for future services."
Today , Karlheinz Schreiber was brought to Parliament Hill in handcuffs by the current government, filled with the knowledge that it had no intention of blocking his extradition to germany for corruption and fraud. All crimes ,you will note, that hinge on his ability to lie. He was here to report on his activities with attempts to bribe a previous prime minister, another crime that hinges on his ability to lie profusely.
He then proceeded to take the opportunity to say things that made the previous prime minister look even worse than he already did ,and to paint a horrible picture of corruption and political abuse. The only evidence supporting these accusations ? Schreiber's word and nothing else.
And the opposition loves it, because it makes the current prime minister look bad. And they want to extend Schreiber's show as long as they possibly can , to keep it in the public eye what awful evil people run this country and you should never even think about voting for them again , vote for us instead !
It's all politics. It's all mud smearing. And it doesn't have a wit to do with justice or fair play or finding out what really happens. The opposition doesn't care about what really happened, they only care about slinging mud.
And why is this bad ?
Because once upon a time , a long time ago , there was this thing called democracy. And part of democracy was the opposition party who lost the election being used as watch dogs to look for corruption. They gave you a fair shake if you were honest ,and they screamed bloody murder if you were not.
And now they scream bloody murder no matter what, honest or not. And no one listens to them anymore, because they've been screaming for so long we've tuned them out. They ALWAYS say bad things about the current government , it's their job to do this , we say to ourselves.
And so an intigral part of democracy is now permitted to decay and fall into disuse. Like the boy who cried wolf too often , no one listens to him anymore.
Schreiber, who was brought to Parliament Hill in handcuffs, initially refused to answer any questions. But he eventually began to selectively answer some inquiries.
Schreiber offered few details on what was involved in the cash payments, saying the money which was given to Mulroney shortly after he left office was "for future services."
Today , Karlheinz Schreiber was brought to Parliament Hill in handcuffs by the current government, filled with the knowledge that it had no intention of blocking his extradition to germany for corruption and fraud. All crimes ,you will note, that hinge on his ability to lie. He was here to report on his activities with attempts to bribe a previous prime minister, another crime that hinges on his ability to lie profusely.
He then proceeded to take the opportunity to say things that made the previous prime minister look even worse than he already did ,and to paint a horrible picture of corruption and political abuse. The only evidence supporting these accusations ? Schreiber's word and nothing else.
And the opposition loves it, because it makes the current prime minister look bad. And they want to extend Schreiber's show as long as they possibly can , to keep it in the public eye what awful evil people run this country and you should never even think about voting for them again , vote for us instead !
It's all politics. It's all mud smearing. And it doesn't have a wit to do with justice or fair play or finding out what really happens. The opposition doesn't care about what really happened, they only care about slinging mud.
And why is this bad ?
Because once upon a time , a long time ago , there was this thing called democracy. And part of democracy was the opposition party who lost the election being used as watch dogs to look for corruption. They gave you a fair shake if you were honest ,and they screamed bloody murder if you were not.
And now they scream bloody murder no matter what, honest or not. And no one listens to them anymore, because they've been screaming for so long we've tuned them out. They ALWAYS say bad things about the current government , it's their job to do this , we say to ourselves.
And so an intigral part of democracy is now permitted to decay and fall into disuse. Like the boy who cried wolf too often , no one listens to him anymore.
Friday, November 23, 2007
Dziekanski's death not caused by Taser, says device maker
Taser International Inc. lashes out a media in statement released late Friday, sends 60 legal letters demanding corrections to 'false and misleading headlines'
"Legal Letters" means they're gonna sue if you don't. Doesn't actually say in this article, but in a paper version of the Ottawa Sun I was reading at work (it was a paper newspaper and I don't have it so I can't quote it) it say's that Taser is sueing everyone and the dog who claims their weapons kill people.
An amateur video of the incident that was released earlier this week has received sensational coverage from the media with many reports drawing an unsubstantiated and uninformed conclusion as to the cause of Mr. Dziekanski's death.
They tasered him. Twice. Then he died. Yes...that would be unsubstantiated and uninformed yeah right ....
Specifically in Canada, while previous incidents were widely reported in the media as 'TASER deaths,' the role of the TASER device has been cleared in every case to date
You have very good lawyers.
Cardiac arrest caused by electrical current is immediate. The video of the incident at the Vancouver airport indicates that the subject was continuing to fight well after the TASER application. This continuing struggle could not be possible if the subject died as a result of the TASER device electrical current causing cardiac arrest
I believe he was actually thrashing in agony , not fighting...but hey , you be the judge.
Further, the video clearly shows symptoms of excited delirium, a potentially fatal condition marked by symptoms of exhaustion and mania such as heavy breathing, profuse sweating, confusion, disorientation and violence toward inanimate objects.
Umm...the video clearly states they performed an autopsy. No drugs or alchohol. And he was stuck in that baggage place for 10 hours. You'd be tired too , and hungry , and thirsty , after ten hours of waiting to be picked up in a strange country and no one had come. And pissed off.
We are taken aback by the number of media outlets that have irresponsibly published conclusive headlines blaming the TASER device and/or the law enforcement officers involved as the cause of death before completion of the investigation.
He was alive and well before they taserd him. 2 minutes later he was dead. I'd say "You do the math" , but obviously that is beyond your capabilities.
TASER International is transmitting over 60 legal demand letters requiring correction of these false and misleading headlines and will take other actions as appropriate. These unsubstantiated, false headlines mislead the public and could adversely influence public policy in ways which could place the lives of both law enforcement and the public at greater risk.
If this was a bottle of aspirin you were selling and even one person in a million was killed using it there would be a massive recall ...but no , it's a big company with the governments damb the public and hide the bodies and sue everyone in sight !!!! If you actually gave a rats behind about the public saftey you'd have volintarily recalled those tasers long ago.
But you don't. You're a company. Money is your first , last and only concearn.
And so you will sue while the bodies keep piling up.
As for "correcting" the headlines...I would be happy to change the headline "TASER DEATH" to "MAN TASERED TWICE, DIES TWO MINUTES LATER". But I don't think that would get you anywhere. Might make me immune to being sued by you though . :)
PS: Never sue poor people like me. We'll show up in court , make you spend a fortune on lawyers while we represent ourselves..drag out the case, and then when you win , we'll just declare we're bankrupt and you won't get a dime. :)
Taser International Inc. lashes out a media in statement released late Friday, sends 60 legal letters demanding corrections to 'false and misleading headlines'
"Legal Letters" means they're gonna sue if you don't. Doesn't actually say in this article, but in a paper version of the Ottawa Sun I was reading at work (it was a paper newspaper and I don't have it so I can't quote it) it say's that Taser is sueing everyone and the dog who claims their weapons kill people.
An amateur video of the incident that was released earlier this week has received sensational coverage from the media with many reports drawing an unsubstantiated and uninformed conclusion as to the cause of Mr. Dziekanski's death.
They tasered him. Twice. Then he died. Yes...that would be unsubstantiated and uninformed yeah right ....
Specifically in Canada, while previous incidents were widely reported in the media as 'TASER deaths,' the role of the TASER device has been cleared in every case to date
You have very good lawyers.
Cardiac arrest caused by electrical current is immediate. The video of the incident at the Vancouver airport indicates that the subject was continuing to fight well after the TASER application. This continuing struggle could not be possible if the subject died as a result of the TASER device electrical current causing cardiac arrest
I believe he was actually thrashing in agony , not fighting...but hey , you be the judge.
Further, the video clearly shows symptoms of excited delirium, a potentially fatal condition marked by symptoms of exhaustion and mania such as heavy breathing, profuse sweating, confusion, disorientation and violence toward inanimate objects.
Umm...the video clearly states they performed an autopsy. No drugs or alchohol. And he was stuck in that baggage place for 10 hours. You'd be tired too , and hungry , and thirsty , after ten hours of waiting to be picked up in a strange country and no one had come. And pissed off.
We are taken aback by the number of media outlets that have irresponsibly published conclusive headlines blaming the TASER device and/or the law enforcement officers involved as the cause of death before completion of the investigation.
He was alive and well before they taserd him. 2 minutes later he was dead. I'd say "You do the math" , but obviously that is beyond your capabilities.
TASER International is transmitting over 60 legal demand letters requiring correction of these false and misleading headlines and will take other actions as appropriate. These unsubstantiated, false headlines mislead the public and could adversely influence public policy in ways which could place the lives of both law enforcement and the public at greater risk.
If this was a bottle of aspirin you were selling and even one person in a million was killed using it there would be a massive recall ...but no , it's a big company with the governments damb the public and hide the bodies and sue everyone in sight !!!! If you actually gave a rats behind about the public saftey you'd have volintarily recalled those tasers long ago.
But you don't. You're a company. Money is your first , last and only concearn.
And so you will sue while the bodies keep piling up.
As for "correcting" the headlines...I would be happy to change the headline "TASER DEATH" to "MAN TASERED TWICE, DIES TWO MINUTES LATER". But I don't think that would get you anywhere. Might make me immune to being sued by you though . :)
PS: Never sue poor people like me. We'll show up in court , make you spend a fortune on lawyers while we represent ourselves..drag out the case, and then when you win , we'll just declare we're bankrupt and you won't get a dime. :)
Found on bottom right of every cnn article
Stories you may be interested in based on past browsing
And then a list of stories.
So...thanks for admitting you're tracking every where I go.
Not that I didn't know that already , but its good to have confirmation.
Just ratchetting up that pressure are we ? Filching one little
piece here, one there, until you've taken rights to
everything and the dog and hey ! We got all the expensive
lawyers what is John Q. Public going to do to stop us ? Its
all his fault for letting us do it in the first place !
Yeah , thats like saying it's the rape victems fault for
getting raped.
And then a list of stories.
So...thanks for admitting you're tracking every where I go.
Not that I didn't know that already , but its good to have confirmation.
Just ratchetting up that pressure are we ? Filching one little
piece here, one there, until you've taken rights to
everything and the dog and hey ! We got all the expensive
lawyers what is John Q. Public going to do to stop us ? Its
all his fault for letting us do it in the first place !
Yeah , thats like saying it's the rape victems fault for
getting raped.
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Schreiber may testify before ethics committee....or maybe not
A motion to be voted on Thursday will also call for Karlheinz Schreiber to appear before the committee as soon as possible, according to an MP who sits on the committee.
Oh kay !
You're going to allow Schreiber to talk before the commitee.
But Schreiber already has permission from the government to do that. He's the one running around saying "Not one f@#%^ word ! " if he gets shippped back to germany to face his countless fraud and corruption charges.
You spend a day of the publics time and money accomplishing diddley squat.
very efficient. I'm impressed.
A motion to be voted on Thursday will also call for Karlheinz Schreiber to appear before the committee as soon as possible, according to an MP who sits on the committee.
Oh kay !
You're going to allow Schreiber to talk before the commitee.
But Schreiber already has permission from the government to do that. He's the one running around saying "Not one f@#%^ word ! " if he gets shippped back to germany to face his countless fraud and corruption charges.
You spend a day of the publics time and money accomplishing diddley squat.
very efficient. I'm impressed.
Palistinians Run Out of Bullets , Arab League ships them more
Arab League meets before Mideast summit
Arab League states yesterday announced a mini-summit to discuss strategy at next week's Middle East peace talks in the United States as Israel made further moves to bolster Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas.
The sweeteners -- immediately condemned by Israel's political right -- include an ammunition shipment to the Palestinian government and 25 used Russian armoured trucks.
Hmmm..... how can I best express this chain of events ....
USA : We would like to meet and discuss peace with Israel
ARABS : Ok. But we want more bullets for the palistinians to shoot at Israel.
USA : Deal.
(edit) yeah I know it says they're trying to bolster this "tame" Palestinian government...but it ain that tame, and the rocket attacks on Israeli continue despite their "pet" being in power. You gotta know where those bullets are headed already.
Arab League states yesterday announced a mini-summit to discuss strategy at next week's Middle East peace talks in the United States as Israel made further moves to bolster Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas.
The sweeteners -- immediately condemned by Israel's political right -- include an ammunition shipment to the Palestinian government and 25 used Russian armoured trucks.
Hmmm..... how can I best express this chain of events ....
USA : We would like to meet and discuss peace with Israel
ARABS : Ok. But we want more bullets for the palistinians to shoot at Israel.
USA : Deal.
(edit) yeah I know it says they're trying to bolster this "tame" Palestinian government...but it ain that tame, and the rocket attacks on Israeli continue despite their "pet" being in power. You gotta know where those bullets are headed already.
Taser manufacturer wants role in review process
An executive with Taser International says his company wants to participate in any Canadian review of the stun gun and is confident the product would be found safe.
And by the way , there's no need to inquire about anything , tasers are perfectly safe. YOU HERE ME ? PERFECTLY SAFE !! (pay no attention to the 17 canadian and 280 USA deaths by tasering, they don't count)
Buy Taser products. The safe stun guns.
An executive with Taser International says his company wants to participate in any Canadian review of the stun gun and is confident the product would be found safe.
And by the way , there's no need to inquire about anything , tasers are perfectly safe. YOU HERE ME ? PERFECTLY SAFE !! (pay no attention to the 17 canadian and 280 USA deaths by tasering, they don't count)
Buy Taser products. The safe stun guns.
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Canadian-sponsored human rights resolution against Iran passes
The resolution expresses its "very serious concern" of the "confirmed instances" of torture, stoning as a method of execution and punishment such as flogging and amputations. The resolution is expected to pass when it reaches the General Assembly in early December.
But CBC's Neil Herland, reporting from UN Headquarters in New York, said it came close to being defeated because Iran has since built support among nations like India, South Africa and Afghanistan.
Herland said those countries have become fed up with being criticized for their human rights policies by the West.
Frankly , we're quite annoyed with you Infidels trying to push your evil ways upon us. You do understand you're all going to Islamic Hell where you will burn forever , don't you ? How dare you interfere with our wife battering gang raping terrorist ways ? Don't you understand that Infidel means Evil One ? You are EVIL ! and we are getting so tired of you trying to push your godless ways on our pure goodness and light wife beating ways.
You should stop it.
The resolution expresses its "very serious concern" of the "confirmed instances" of torture, stoning as a method of execution and punishment such as flogging and amputations. The resolution is expected to pass when it reaches the General Assembly in early December.
But CBC's Neil Herland, reporting from UN Headquarters in New York, said it came close to being defeated because Iran has since built support among nations like India, South Africa and Afghanistan.
Herland said those countries have become fed up with being criticized for their human rights policies by the West.
Frankly , we're quite annoyed with you Infidels trying to push your evil ways upon us. You do understand you're all going to Islamic Hell where you will burn forever , don't you ? How dare you interfere with our wife battering gang raping terrorist ways ? Don't you understand that Infidel means Evil One ? You are EVIL ! and we are getting so tired of you trying to push your godless ways on our pure goodness and light wife beating ways.
You should stop it.

Four hundred bucks.
Plus 10 bucks per book.
And where are these books kept ? How many can it hold ? And what happens when you dump a book to make it lost and you need another ten bucks to buy it back ? What about pictures ?
And why is it ten cents to convert "free" web pages and blogger articles to something the Kindle can read ?
This e-book is an iPhone wannabe. Only it has no popularity to get away with the constant money-money-give-me-more !
Build something useful for a change , not an obvious rip off.
(edit: added) 400 bucks for the priviledge of buying from Amazon only and no one else. I'll pass thanks (ps: You can only download amazon approved blogs, and they get money for it , amazon books only , amazon articles only , etc etc you get the pciture. 256 megs ram by default put it can be expanded... everything is in some special Kindle format so how big is a book ? No idea, nor about offloading to a computer or anything. )
MPs' tempers flare at House ethics committee meeting
Martin had wanted the parliamentary committee to debate a motion to summon former Tory prime minister Brian Mulroney and German-Canadian businessman Karlheinz Schreiber to state their cases in advance of the probe into the corruption charges opens.
Ah...the Schreiber thing...this is actually quite amusing you know.
Schreiber is fighting extradition to germany for various crimes , weapons deals, etc, all of which relate to him lying his butt off at every opportunity. He will be happy to testify at this inquirey into the former prime minister... but only if the extradition is permanetly halted (Can you say "get out of jail free" ? )
The opposition want him to testify no matter what because they think his testimony will make the current government look bad. And if it doesn't , then they can rag on the government for getting this criminal scum bag off the hook.
If Schreiber says something that favors the government, he'll be acused of feeling thanks toward them for getting him off the hook in a bad situation.
If he says something against the government , he'll be acused of being a two faced liar who wouldn't know the truth if it bit him in the butt, and the government will probably ship him off to germany anyways.
If you ignore the deal and just ship him home, he'll be happy to testify, but you're guarenteed he'll say something or other to make the current government look as bad as his immagination can possibly dream up.
My vote ?
Let the opposition yap , and ship this criminal back home. You have spin control , use it. Let the scum bag fry and blame the opposition for trying to get him out of jail free. It will even out in the end.
Martin had wanted the parliamentary committee to debate a motion to summon former Tory prime minister Brian Mulroney and German-Canadian businessman Karlheinz Schreiber to state their cases in advance of the probe into the corruption charges opens.
Ah...the Schreiber thing...this is actually quite amusing you know.
Schreiber is fighting extradition to germany for various crimes , weapons deals, etc, all of which relate to him lying his butt off at every opportunity. He will be happy to testify at this inquirey into the former prime minister... but only if the extradition is permanetly halted (Can you say "get out of jail free" ? )
The opposition want him to testify no matter what because they think his testimony will make the current government look bad. And if it doesn't , then they can rag on the government for getting this criminal scum bag off the hook.
If Schreiber says something that favors the government, he'll be acused of feeling thanks toward them for getting him off the hook in a bad situation.
If he says something against the government , he'll be acused of being a two faced liar who wouldn't know the truth if it bit him in the butt, and the government will probably ship him off to germany anyways.
If you ignore the deal and just ship him home, he'll be happy to testify, but you're guarenteed he'll say something or other to make the current government look as bad as his immagination can possibly dream up.
My vote ?
Let the opposition yap , and ship this criminal back home. You have spin control , use it. Let the scum bag fry and blame the opposition for trying to get him out of jail free. It will even out in the end.
How Pickpockets Work
Why thank you ever so much Mr. howstuffworks website for providing training materials for a new generation of pick pockets all over the world. I'm sure every criminal about thanks you deeply ....
Why thank you ever so much Mr. howstuffworks website for providing training materials for a new generation of pick pockets all over the world. I'm sure every criminal about thanks you deeply ....
Monday, November 19, 2007
Phone Spam
Article = none, personal experiance
I was feeling sick today , so I stayed home in bed. But ... I had the phone.
When people call , we get one regular ring if it's local , and one long two short if they're long distance. Guess what ? All the telemarketers are long distance, usually based out of toronto.
One call completely empty, I just hung up.
One from my doctor (local call , didn't answer)
and one interesting one. I picked it up and for a moment I heard nothing but blank static, said hello a time or two ... and it connected me to some woman babbling something about blind atheletes. (I hung up).
I can see it now. A dozen sales agents sitting in cubicals , a computer doing the phoning, oops ! this is a live one , direct to an agent... keep on phoning the next number. Doesn't even ask you to press one anymore... it just dumps an agent on you.
From the companys perspective , it's probably very efficient, since the agents are talking to people all the time , not blindly dialing number after number and hoping someone pickes up.
From my I know why the phone rings off the hook during the day.
I love that one long two short ring ... it's always a spammer, and we never pick it up.
I was feeling sick today , so I stayed home in bed. But ... I had the phone.
When people call , we get one regular ring if it's local , and one long two short if they're long distance. Guess what ? All the telemarketers are long distance, usually based out of toronto.
One call completely empty, I just hung up.
One from my doctor (local call , didn't answer)
and one interesting one. I picked it up and for a moment I heard nothing but blank static, said hello a time or two ... and it connected me to some woman babbling something about blind atheletes. (I hung up).
I can see it now. A dozen sales agents sitting in cubicals , a computer doing the phoning, oops ! this is a live one , direct to an agent... keep on phoning the next number. Doesn't even ask you to press one anymore... it just dumps an agent on you.
From the companys perspective , it's probably very efficient, since the agents are talking to people all the time , not blindly dialing number after number and hoping someone pickes up.
From my I know why the phone rings off the hook during the day.
I love that one long two short ring ... it's always a spammer, and we never pick it up.
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Alarming UN report on climate change is too rosy, many say
"It's extremely clear and is very explicit that the cost of inaction will be huge compared to the cost of action," said Jeffrey Sachs, head of Columbia University's Earth Institute. "We can't afford to wait for some perfect accord to replace Kyoto, for some grand agreement. We can't afford to spend years bickering about it. We need to start acting now."
We of the United states have a plan !
Thats our plan ! What do you think of it ?
(( Brought to you from the very same people who broke the North American Free Trade Agreement , and who frequently put insurenceless hospital patients off to the side and just wait for them to finish dying ))
"It's extremely clear and is very explicit that the cost of inaction will be huge compared to the cost of action," said Jeffrey Sachs, head of Columbia University's Earth Institute. "We can't afford to wait for some perfect accord to replace Kyoto, for some grand agreement. We can't afford to spend years bickering about it. We need to start acting now."
We of the United states have a plan !
- First, get everyone to sign this new agreement ... except us !
- Second ... manufacture all sorts of low cost goods that don't have to pay for pollution controls and therefore are cheaper than anyone elses.
- Third , use our political and financial and military influence (military aid, they never attack anyone) to force open the doors of trade and push our low price highly polluting to produce stuff on the world.
- Fourth rupt all our competiters , world wide.
- Fifth .. enjoy a world conquered and made safe for american business. Especially gas mask manufacturing businesses.
Thats our plan ! What do you think of it ?
(( Brought to you from the very same people who broke the North American Free Trade Agreement , and who frequently put insurenceless hospital patients off to the side and just wait for them to finish dying ))
Friday, November 16, 2007
Ford launches national Bluetooth campaign
How does the high-tech innovation work? Whenever consumers are within range of the program's Bluetooth transmitters - which are leveraging the Zoom Media network - they will receive a message on their cell phones stating that it's being sent from Ford SYNC. Those who choose to accept what comes next will then receive a 20-second Ford SYNC video or a Ford SYNC branded mobile wallpaper, free of charge
Innovation , yes. You're on a Ford , and your cell phone rings (while you're driving !) and you answer it , and it's a commercial. From ford.
Ford = Found On Road , Dead.
or , if you spell it backwards..
DROF = Driver Returned On Foot.
Why such acrimony for one company ?
They don't make spare parts.
Think about it. Your brakes go. You need new ones...
no we don't make spare parts. But ...but ... the rear axel we don't make spare parts, hey I desperately need a new bumber this one got crunched up by some stupid old lady who didn't wear her glasses her insurance will pay , no we don't make spare parts....
I hate ford. Everyone should hate ford. Nothing but a rip off. What do you mean you don't make spare parts ? Gawd those people are just plain Evil !!!!
How does the high-tech innovation work? Whenever consumers are within range of the program's Bluetooth transmitters - which are leveraging the Zoom Media network - they will receive a message on their cell phones stating that it's being sent from Ford SYNC. Those who choose to accept what comes next will then receive a 20-second Ford SYNC video or a Ford SYNC branded mobile wallpaper, free of charge
Innovation , yes. You're on a Ford , and your cell phone rings (while you're driving !) and you answer it , and it's a commercial. From ford.
Ford = Found On Road , Dead.
or , if you spell it backwards..
DROF = Driver Returned On Foot.
Why such acrimony for one company ?
They don't make spare parts.
Think about it. Your brakes go. You need new ones...
no we don't make spare parts. But ...but ... the rear axel we don't make spare parts, hey I desperately need a new bumber this one got crunched up by some stupid old lady who didn't wear her glasses her insurance will pay , no we don't make spare parts....
I hate ford. Everyone should hate ford. Nothing but a rip off. What do you mean you don't make spare parts ? Gawd those people are just plain Evil !!!!
Open-source Java could result in port to iPhone
Apple has not made Java capable of running on the popular device. But Sun's Terrence Barr, technical evangelist for Java ME (Micro Edition), believes Apple's plans to release a software developer's kit for iPhone in early 2008 may result in the open-source phoneME version of Java ME winding up on iPhone.
But Apple has been dismissive of having Java on the iPhone. Apple could not be reached for comment last week.
Who writes this nonsense ?
Apple owns the iPhone , and it is a Mac. Only apple writes software for it , only apple sells software for it , anyone else is sued for copywrite violation , and thats the way Apple likes it , and with the amazing popularity (stupidly if you ask me, but me and my fellow man often do not see eye to eye on these things) there is absolutely no reason for them to blow open the door and let the free software guys in and start giving stuff away for free that they're making a fortune off of charging iPhone users up the wazoo for.
The iPhone is as closed as it gets, and the only way it's going to change is when its popularity eventually plumets , as it does with all new toys. Only then will they open it up to squeeze that last few bucks out of it.
Any one who puts a java engine on the iPhone without Apples permission risks a repeat of the iPhone Brick debacle (thats where the phone was hacked to work on any phone network... then apple issued a new patch , and voila ! All those hacked phones suddenly stopped working, becoming nothing more than a brick. )
I applaude the notion of free software for the iphone (for any phone or computer actually) , but I just do not see them doing that. Not now when everyone is clamering for it and they can milk billions out of it yet.
Apple has not made Java capable of running on the popular device. But Sun's Terrence Barr, technical evangelist for Java ME (Micro Edition), believes Apple's plans to release a software developer's kit for iPhone in early 2008 may result in the open-source phoneME version of Java ME winding up on iPhone.
But Apple has been dismissive of having Java on the iPhone. Apple could not be reached for comment last week.
Who writes this nonsense ?
Apple owns the iPhone , and it is a Mac. Only apple writes software for it , only apple sells software for it , anyone else is sued for copywrite violation , and thats the way Apple likes it , and with the amazing popularity (stupidly if you ask me, but me and my fellow man often do not see eye to eye on these things) there is absolutely no reason for them to blow open the door and let the free software guys in and start giving stuff away for free that they're making a fortune off of charging iPhone users up the wazoo for.
The iPhone is as closed as it gets, and the only way it's going to change is when its popularity eventually plumets , as it does with all new toys. Only then will they open it up to squeeze that last few bucks out of it.
Any one who puts a java engine on the iPhone without Apples permission risks a repeat of the iPhone Brick debacle (thats where the phone was hacked to work on any phone network... then apple issued a new patch , and voila ! All those hacked phones suddenly stopped working, becoming nothing more than a brick. )
I applaude the notion of free software for the iphone (for any phone or computer actually) , but I just do not see them doing that. Not now when everyone is clamering for it and they can milk billions out of it yet.
Ont. should bail out cash-strapped TTC: Giambrone
The province should pony up more cash to avoid another TTC fare hike, the commission's chairman said on Wednesday.
Toronto can't afford it's own transit system ! Therefore ...we believe...
someone else should pay for it ! yeah yeah ...thats the ticket ! Let the province
pay for our service to our one city ! Otherwise, we might have to hike fares.
And if the province won't do it ..maybe the federal government. Yeah ..someone...
anyone ...anyone but us ..should pay for this ..yeah ... thats a good idea , I
like it !
So ..did I mention Ottawa gets fare hikes on our transit system every year ? Sometimes twice a year ? We just got some new , uglier , higher priced bus tickets, going from 90 cents to 95 cents a ticket , and we still need two to go anywhere ...
We gotta pony up more , why should toronto be an exception ?
The province should pony up more cash to avoid another TTC fare hike, the commission's chairman said on Wednesday.
Toronto can't afford it's own transit system ! Therefore ...we believe...
someone else should pay for it ! yeah yeah ...thats the ticket ! Let the province
pay for our service to our one city ! Otherwise, we might have to hike fares.
And if the province won't do it ..maybe the federal government. Yeah ..someone...
anyone ...anyone but us ..should pay for this ..yeah ... thats a good idea , I
like it !
So ..did I mention Ottawa gets fare hikes on our transit system every year ? Sometimes twice a year ? We just got some new , uglier , higher priced bus tickets, going from 90 cents to 95 cents a ticket , and we still need two to go anywhere ...
We gotta pony up more , why should toronto be an exception ?
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Iran bans latest Gabriel Garcia Marquez book
Article're banning this guys book.
You know..I never even heard of this guy , but now I have. Or his book title.
What was it called again ?
Memories of My Melancholy Whores
Say...thats a catchy title.
I wonder...I'm trying to write a novel. If I put in something about being anti-muslim in it , can you ban my book too ? Then everyone in the whole world will hear about it.
Yeah , that would be cool.
Now I just need a catchy title. Hmmm.....'re banning this guys book.
You know..I never even heard of this guy , but now I have. Or his book title.
What was it called again ?
Memories of My Melancholy Whores
Say...thats a catchy title.
I wonder...I'm trying to write a novel. If I put in something about being anti-muslim in it , can you ban my book too ? Then everyone in the whole world will hear about it.
Yeah , that would be cool.
Now I just need a catchy title. Hmmm.....
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Buck Teeth
This clip is from , it's the phantom of the opera song.
The woman's name is apparently sara brightman.
Her voice is like liquid silk , I will admit.
She herself is a bit on the chunky side.
But , when the song hits the climax , with all those high notes... there is only one
thought in my mind.
Wow...look at the size of those Buck Teeth ...
I'm going to hell , arn't I ?
(edit : mistyped ..forgot the "e" on the end ..clutzy me)
The woman's name is apparently sara brightman.
Her voice is like liquid silk , I will admit.
She herself is a bit on the chunky side.
But , when the song hits the climax , with all those high notes... there is only one
thought in my mind.
Wow...look at the size of those Buck Teeth ...
I'm going to hell , arn't I ?
(edit : mistyped ..forgot the "e" on the end ..clutzy me)
Friday, November 09, 2007
Your Cell Phone = My Profit
Who needs GPS? Cellphones provide traffic map
When cellular phones are searching for reception, they send "pings" or electronic signals that can be picked up by as many as six cellphone towers. The company said the new technology records these pings and uses them to create a three-dimensional map of where the signals originated.
It then discards those signals — based on speed and movement patterns — that appear to be coming from pedestrians and stationary mobile users.
Big brother is watching you. Wherever you go, your cell phone is being tracked. And that information is being sold to any fool with a few coins in his pocket that thinks he can turn a profit from it.
So what do I have out there that they're selling without my permission ?
My email Address.
My credit card number and bank information. (Dell Sold it to Sympatico)
The location and ip address of my wireless router.
The location of my cell phone.
Anything you purchase that has a mail in rebate (You never get the rebate, but they keep all the information on file and sell it !)
Where ever you surf on the internet (google desk top)
Anytime you buy something online .. all that info is sold. Credit card too.
So when does it stop you ask ?
It doesn't. The sales people are very happy about this situation, and in fact they want more and more and more. They fully intend to increase their surveillence of you , ratchetting up the pressure paying of MP's to weaken privacy laws etc etc, so that they can make more money from you. Targetting sales, they like to call it.
Oh Oh , Here Come the Biggies
Warner Bros entered video games in earnest in 2004 when it acquired Monolith Productions, giving it an in-house development department for the first time.
Last year the group also took a 10 per cent stake in SCi.
It also forged a US distribution deal with Codemasters.
Oh oh . Here come the biggies.
Big Business getting into online games ?
There was a CNN survey last week about how the writers strike would affect YOU the TV watching audience. About a third of the respondants reported "We gave up watching TV years no change".
They're following us online, to our online game worlds. How long until World of Warcraft will have beautiful Adidas running shoes as items for sale in the stores ? In Matrix Online a T-Shirt manufacturer convinced the game to include it's t-shirts so the charactars could try them out before actually buying them and see how they worked. And of course Matrix Online has bill boards all over the place, the last time I played (some time ago , I admit , that game sucks) there were chewing gum ads all over the place. And a lot of empty "this space for rent" signs, the game was deliberately built to include advertising.
I can see it becoming as bad as Cable TV. You paid upto a hundred bucks a month for Cable TV , did't you ? Did that give you ad free viewing ? No. But it did give you lots and lots of watered down shows that would only fascinate a 10 year old , everything else being restricted by the censors. And 18 minutes of ads every half hour but only 11 minutes of show. (including openning and closing credits)
"Son , you have to understand how the business works" piped in one wag when I attempted to complain about this. Yeah , I don't have to understand , i understand perfectly. Your product sucks and I don't want it.
Warner Bros entered video games in earnest in 2004 when it acquired Monolith Productions, giving it an in-house development department for the first time.
Last year the group also took a 10 per cent stake in SCi.
It also forged a US distribution deal with Codemasters.
Oh oh . Here come the biggies.
Big Business getting into online games ?
There was a CNN survey last week about how the writers strike would affect YOU the TV watching audience. About a third of the respondants reported "We gave up watching TV years no change".
They're following us online, to our online game worlds. How long until World of Warcraft will have beautiful Adidas running shoes as items for sale in the stores ? In Matrix Online a T-Shirt manufacturer convinced the game to include it's t-shirts so the charactars could try them out before actually buying them and see how they worked. And of course Matrix Online has bill boards all over the place, the last time I played (some time ago , I admit , that game sucks) there were chewing gum ads all over the place. And a lot of empty "this space for rent" signs, the game was deliberately built to include advertising.
I can see it becoming as bad as Cable TV. You paid upto a hundred bucks a month for Cable TV , did't you ? Did that give you ad free viewing ? No. But it did give you lots and lots of watered down shows that would only fascinate a 10 year old , everything else being restricted by the censors. And 18 minutes of ads every half hour but only 11 minutes of show. (including openning and closing credits)
"Son , you have to understand how the business works" piped in one wag when I attempted to complain about this. Yeah , I don't have to understand , i understand perfectly. Your product sucks and I don't want it.
Thursday, November 08, 2007
Omar Khadr military trial to begin Thursday
Human rights groups argue that the Guantanamo military courts are illegal because they do not offer the same protections as U.S. courts.
Ok. We cought you in a foreign nation. Doing your best to kill either that nations soliders , or us soliders.
Human rights groups argue ... you need protection from base you wer trying to kill US Soldiers or something.
In the mean time , you are trying to over throw the US , impose islamic law on the entier world, and by the way those very same human rights groups that are defending you ? They're also complainging about your wife beating activities in Iraq pre-us invasion , so all the imans and islamic priests want them lined up against the wall and shot.
Mr. Prisoner in the US prison in guatamala..go piss up a rope I don't care about you.
Mr. and Mrs. America watching this on the tele and wondering at the glory of it all... how does it feel to know that these human rights groups that are trying to protect these prisoners ? The prisoners fight for a cause that would see all these human rights people lined up against the wall and shot. Because they believe human rights to be an evil thing. God is great, and he doesn't think much of us , and if you disagree with that we have to kill you now, so sorry where's my gun bang bang shut the heck up now please !
That always so amuses me . We let you explain your case to us. You do not let us explain our case to your people. Your people are slaves, they might believe us , y9ou cannot allow that ... anyone who might believe us you have to kill them ...
yes, thats the usual liberal refrain isn't it ? We don't talk about evil , or keeping people slaves or randomly kiling people in the population that we puport to protect. That may be well known , but we choose to sweep that under the rug , and then scream at the top of our lungs OIL OIL OIL its all abou the OIL NOTHING ELSE IS IMPORTANT UBT OIL ...
Human rights groups argue that the Guantanamo military courts are illegal because they do not offer the same protections as U.S. courts.
Ok. We cought you in a foreign nation. Doing your best to kill either that nations soliders , or us soliders.
Human rights groups argue ... you need protection from base you wer trying to kill US Soldiers or something.
In the mean time , you are trying to over throw the US , impose islamic law on the entier world, and by the way those very same human rights groups that are defending you ? They're also complainging about your wife beating activities in Iraq pre-us invasion , so all the imans and islamic priests want them lined up against the wall and shot.
Mr. Prisoner in the US prison in guatamala..go piss up a rope I don't care about you.
Mr. and Mrs. America watching this on the tele and wondering at the glory of it all... how does it feel to know that these human rights groups that are trying to protect these prisoners ? The prisoners fight for a cause that would see all these human rights people lined up against the wall and shot. Because they believe human rights to be an evil thing. God is great, and he doesn't think much of us , and if you disagree with that we have to kill you now, so sorry where's my gun bang bang shut the heck up now please !
That always so amuses me . We let you explain your case to us. You do not let us explain our case to your people. Your people are slaves, they might believe us , y9ou cannot allow that ... anyone who might believe us you have to kill them ...
yes, thats the usual liberal refrain isn't it ? We don't talk about evil , or keeping people slaves or randomly kiling people in the population that we puport to protect. That may be well known , but we choose to sweep that under the rug , and then scream at the top of our lungs OIL OIL OIL its all abou the OIL NOTHING ELSE IS IMPORTANT UBT OIL ...
Wednesday, November 07, 2007
Burglar uses New York state church phone to call sex hot line
CLARKSTOWN, New York - A homeless man has been charged with breaking into an upstate New York church by picking a lock so he could dial up some sex chat.
Will you guys just arrest me already ? It's November don't you know and it's real cold out there and I need some place to spend the winter or I'll freeze to death !
He admitted he had sinned before, breaking into the Elim Alliance church days earlier for the same reason.
Police say a church treasurer found Macnair on the phone both times.
The first time, when he was in an office, she told him to leave but the second time, when he was in a basement area used as a nursery for children, she called police.
Stupid witch wouldn't call the cops the first time ! Of course I did it again. And you notice there's nothing in the article about resisting arrest or anything ? Yeah ... I found a seat , took a load of my heels , and waited while she dialed the number and everything.
Finally , a nice warm bed and some food that didn't come out of the bottom of a dumpster to eat. I can see me doing this until spring problem.
CLARKSTOWN, New York - A homeless man has been charged with breaking into an upstate New York church by picking a lock so he could dial up some sex chat.
Will you guys just arrest me already ? It's November don't you know and it's real cold out there and I need some place to spend the winter or I'll freeze to death !
He admitted he had sinned before, breaking into the Elim Alliance church days earlier for the same reason.
Police say a church treasurer found Macnair on the phone both times.
The first time, when he was in an office, she told him to leave but the second time, when he was in a basement area used as a nursery for children, she called police.
Stupid witch wouldn't call the cops the first time ! Of course I did it again. And you notice there's nothing in the article about resisting arrest or anything ? Yeah ... I found a seat , took a load of my heels , and waited while she dialed the number and everything.
Finally , a nice warm bed and some food that didn't come out of the bottom of a dumpster to eat. I can see me doing this until spring problem.
Friday, November 02, 2007
Facebook Eats Its Own
Can Facebook feed its ad brains?
Next week in New York, Facebook is expected to unveil its new advertising strategy on the heels of an expanded advertising partnership and $240 million investment from Microsoft...
There's no question Facebook is sitting on a data goldmine, with an exhaustive amount of information on people's preferences, backgrounds, and social histories--all given voluntarily by members. Facebook has profiles that include people's favorite music, television shows, books, and hobbies; their job history, education, birth date, and marital status; as well as daily activities, social networks, and interest groups. Traditional ad networks would kill for all that information in one place.
First , you put up a web site that gives away all your peronal information so THEY CAN SPAM YOU TO DEATH with it.
Second, everyone has on , right ? (I don't) So you go for a job, the interview goes so well, and then suddenly you lose the job the next day. What happened ? Your employer plugged your name into google and turned up your facebook page with those cute pictures of you being tossed out of a bar one saturday evening that you thought were so funny you just had to share with all your friends.
Think it doesn't happen ?
There's some guy in michigan , in the states , with my name, who plays an electric guitar and wants to start a rock band. And yes, my boss walked up to me one day and asked if I played a guitar, if I was thinking about chucking in my career and starting a rock band. And admitted he'd done a google search on my name.
You're doubly stupid if you do the face book thing, or anything similar to it. You self incriminate yourself , and your boss fires you / doesn't promote / doesn't hire in the first place , and you get spammed all over the place.
Facebook like sites ... eat their own clients. It's just that simple. You're sacrificed to the wolves of advertising , and to any casual searcher like your (potential) boss.
Next week in New York, Facebook is expected to unveil its new advertising strategy on the heels of an expanded advertising partnership and $240 million investment from Microsoft...
There's no question Facebook is sitting on a data goldmine, with an exhaustive amount of information on people's preferences, backgrounds, and social histories--all given voluntarily by members. Facebook has profiles that include people's favorite music, television shows, books, and hobbies; their job history, education, birth date, and marital status; as well as daily activities, social networks, and interest groups. Traditional ad networks would kill for all that information in one place.
First , you put up a web site that gives away all your peronal information so THEY CAN SPAM YOU TO DEATH with it.
Second, everyone has on , right ? (I don't) So you go for a job, the interview goes so well, and then suddenly you lose the job the next day. What happened ? Your employer plugged your name into google and turned up your facebook page with those cute pictures of you being tossed out of a bar one saturday evening that you thought were so funny you just had to share with all your friends.
Think it doesn't happen ?
There's some guy in michigan , in the states , with my name, who plays an electric guitar and wants to start a rock band. And yes, my boss walked up to me one day and asked if I played a guitar, if I was thinking about chucking in my career and starting a rock band. And admitted he'd done a google search on my name.
You're doubly stupid if you do the face book thing, or anything similar to it. You self incriminate yourself , and your boss fires you / doesn't promote / doesn't hire in the first place , and you get spammed all over the place.
Facebook like sites ... eat their own clients. It's just that simple. You're sacrificed to the wolves of advertising , and to any casual searcher like your (potential) boss.
Linux is Mission Critical for Me
Article = none , personal experiance
So ,I'm trying to change the songs in my phones, because after you've listenned to the same set over and over and over it' gets boring.
Plug it into my xp machine, and a little window pops up saying it wants to install the drivers. Close it , why ? There are no drivers, its just plug and play. A little drive apears in my computer and you just delete all the mp3 files and dump in new files.
Hmmm... no little drive.
Ok , give installing the drivers a try.
Windows can't find any drivers.
Check the phone literature. There are no drivers, you just plug and play.
How did I get those 500 megabytes of songs onto my phone in the first place you ask ? Well..I just plugged the wire in and ignored the install drivers window and started dropping files into the little disk drive symbol..the one that wasn't showing up this time.
I really hate windows.
The phone reported "please plug in usb cable"
Tried it again . Same thing. I knew the cable was fine because I heard a ding every time I unplugged it and plugged it in again.
Try the drivers window. Failed. But detected new device. After a minute, failed again . But detected new device ... failed again ... after about five times around this circle I gave up and did a search on google for drivers.
There were some blue tooth and driver manager software for the phone. Which might , or might not be what I wanted (blue tooth definately had nothing to do with sticking a cable between your phone and the computer)
So I download the drivers. And I try to install them. And windows pops up a window saying new hardware found. And the drivers pop up a window saying the device is unplugged, please plug it in again. So I unplug it , wait five seconds, plug it in again. And it continues the install , for about five seconds. Then windows pops up a window saying new hardware found... and the driver program stops and says the phone usb cable isn't plugged in , plug it in again....
Three or four times around this loop , and I'm vowing that if Bill Gates were to pass in front of me at that moment I would happily hop up and strangle him to death , confess everything , and serve my 25 years murder sentence with a smile on my face. It would be worth it !
But it worked the first time !!! how come it doesnt' work now ???
I'm thinking I stupidly installed Internet Explorer 7 , and it came with some "required" patches that broke my system and rendered my phone unable to talk to the computer anymore.
"Please plug in the usb cable" says the phone.
Plug it into my Linux Box, running Ubunto 7.1
Ding. Kodak camera detected, do you want to synchronize pictures now ? (no !)
See , it detects it just fine , the cable works great , Linux just sucks at drivers ... whats that little disk drive symbol on my Linux desktop ?
click on the disk ,and it opens up , just like a windows folder. And low and behold , there are all the songs contained in my phone.
Five minutes later I had erased them and put a new selection of music on my phone. Just plug it in and away it went , no drivers required. Just like windows SHOULD be , but wasn't any more.
My experimental toy of a linux box ? It isn't an experiment anymore. Its now what my office managers would call a "Mission Critical" piece of equipment. I can't use my phone as a music player without it. And I'm a guy. I talk on the phone maybe once a week, for two minutes, if that. Using the phone as a phone... I shoulda got a pay as you go phone if that was my intention.
I like to put down windows for it's "sabatage the competition" attitude all the time , but this is the first time I found an alternative that out manouvers that. Normally you're just stuck. You know they sabataged you , but there's not too much you can do about it. This time there was. Sorry Mr Gates. But I think your time is almost up. Ubuntu is sweeping up behind you.
So ,I'm trying to change the songs in my phones, because after you've listenned to the same set over and over and over it' gets boring.
Plug it into my xp machine, and a little window pops up saying it wants to install the drivers. Close it , why ? There are no drivers, its just plug and play. A little drive apears in my computer and you just delete all the mp3 files and dump in new files.
Hmmm... no little drive.
Ok , give installing the drivers a try.
Windows can't find any drivers.
Check the phone literature. There are no drivers, you just plug and play.
How did I get those 500 megabytes of songs onto my phone in the first place you ask ? Well..I just plugged the wire in and ignored the install drivers window and started dropping files into the little disk drive symbol..the one that wasn't showing up this time.
I really hate windows.
The phone reported "please plug in usb cable"
Tried it again . Same thing. I knew the cable was fine because I heard a ding every time I unplugged it and plugged it in again.
Try the drivers window. Failed. But detected new device. After a minute, failed again . But detected new device ... failed again ... after about five times around this circle I gave up and did a search on google for drivers.
There were some blue tooth and driver manager software for the phone. Which might , or might not be what I wanted (blue tooth definately had nothing to do with sticking a cable between your phone and the computer)
So I download the drivers. And I try to install them. And windows pops up a window saying new hardware found. And the drivers pop up a window saying the device is unplugged, please plug it in again. So I unplug it , wait five seconds, plug it in again. And it continues the install , for about five seconds. Then windows pops up a window saying new hardware found... and the driver program stops and says the phone usb cable isn't plugged in , plug it in again....
Three or four times around this loop , and I'm vowing that if Bill Gates were to pass in front of me at that moment I would happily hop up and strangle him to death , confess everything , and serve my 25 years murder sentence with a smile on my face. It would be worth it !
But it worked the first time !!! how come it doesnt' work now ???
I'm thinking I stupidly installed Internet Explorer 7 , and it came with some "required" patches that broke my system and rendered my phone unable to talk to the computer anymore.
"Please plug in the usb cable" says the phone.
Plug it into my Linux Box, running Ubunto 7.1
Ding. Kodak camera detected, do you want to synchronize pictures now ? (no !)
See , it detects it just fine , the cable works great , Linux just sucks at drivers ... whats that little disk drive symbol on my Linux desktop ?
click on the disk ,and it opens up , just like a windows folder. And low and behold , there are all the songs contained in my phone.
Five minutes later I had erased them and put a new selection of music on my phone. Just plug it in and away it went , no drivers required. Just like windows SHOULD be , but wasn't any more.
My experimental toy of a linux box ? It isn't an experiment anymore. Its now what my office managers would call a "Mission Critical" piece of equipment. I can't use my phone as a music player without it. And I'm a guy. I talk on the phone maybe once a week, for two minutes, if that. Using the phone as a phone... I shoulda got a pay as you go phone if that was my intention.
I like to put down windows for it's "sabatage the competition" attitude all the time , but this is the first time I found an alternative that out manouvers that. Normally you're just stuck. You know they sabataged you , but there's not too much you can do about it. This time there was. Sorry Mr Gates. But I think your time is almost up. Ubuntu is sweeping up behind you.
Thursday, November 01, 2007
Police testing gun camera
New York police will soon begin field testing this "pistol cam" that mounts to the barrel of a service revolver pistol.
this is a good idea. You fired your gun ? I wanna see the pics. Oh look , that guy had his back turned to you , no weapon in hand , and was running away ... yer going to jail copper ! Or there's a public protest because you shot a black guy , but your gun snapped this nifty picture of him with a gun in his hand pointed right at you ....
I fear looking at YouTube once the street finds its own use for these things.
Of this I must admit. Bang bang bang, three pics one for each shot , put them up on you tube to display your prowness under a false name ... yeah , thats gonna get groddy. But thats Youtubes problem, I still think cops should have camera's on their guns that go off automatically whenever they're fired. I think thats a great idea.
New York police will soon begin field testing this "pistol cam" that mounts to the barrel of a service revolver pistol.
this is a good idea. You fired your gun ? I wanna see the pics. Oh look , that guy had his back turned to you , no weapon in hand , and was running away ... yer going to jail copper ! Or there's a public protest because you shot a black guy , but your gun snapped this nifty picture of him with a gun in his hand pointed right at you ....
I fear looking at YouTube once the street finds its own use for these things.
Of this I must admit. Bang bang bang, three pics one for each shot , put them up on you tube to display your prowness under a false name ... yeah , thats gonna get groddy. But thats Youtubes problem, I still think cops should have camera's on their guns that go off automatically whenever they're fired. I think thats a great idea.
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