Wednesday, September 19, 2007

U.S. suspends diplomatic convoys throughout Iraq


And here we go with the accusations of Blackwater security corruption.

Between eight and 10 people opened fire on the convoy "from multiple nearby locations, with some aggressors dressed in civilian apparel and others in Iraqi police uniforms," according to a State Department report.

so guys dressed as civilians , and cops , tried to erase the convoy , and in typical al-queda stupidity fired a thousand rounds and maybe hit one or two actual people.

Civilian observers (how do you know they're civilians , the terrorists half of them were dressed as civilians) claim the security force killed a wack of innocent people, and so the company is banned from doing business in Iraq.

First problem is who's story do you believe. The security company or the "civilians" that might or might not be terrorists. Heck the bloody cops are shooting at these guys and it's not the first time so it's well known the police force is infiltrated.

Second problem is the law of the land. The Shari or islamic law. If a muslim accuses a non-muslim of something, the non-muslim is automatically found guilty as charged. Not because anyone believes he's guilty , but because it is believed you must put pressure on non-muslims and make them convert by making their life miserable until they give up their infidel ways.

So one terrorist can happily accuse any guards of anything and win in the local courts if you subject these people to local law.

Third problem is if you give them a blank slate to do as they please, there are corrupt individuals who WILL run around shooting people at random on the american side.

Fourth problem is that this is a war zone. People have guns to their head, and families taken hostage. You cannot hold any kind of fair trial when the opposition is hhappy to take a few hostages and generate a few witnesses to accuse you of any terrible crime they care to imagine. Some kind of independant legal system dependant on local witnesses is also a no-go.

The solution ?

Civilians have no place in a war zone , and never did. They have too many legal difficulties. They should be replaced by army troops. Period. End of story.

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