Monday, September 24, 2007

Terrorism charges reinstated against Khadr


Khadr was 15 when he was captured in Afghanistan in 2002 and imprisoned in Guantanamo. He was accused of throwing a grenade that killed American medic Sgt. First Class Christopher J. Speer.

Human rights groups argue that the Guantanamo military courts are illegal because they do not offer the same protections as U.S. courts.

Goodness !

Apparently "Human Rights Groups" = Terrorist Puppets.

their opinion seems to be "Let the terrorists shoot you , dont' shoot back. Let the Terrorists kill you , then let them go free and pat them on the back in a friendly manner"

They don't discuss such concepts as Self Defence , or I have rights too , don't I ?
Nope. The Terrorist is always right. The Beligerent Evil Satanic Inspired USA is always wrong.

Can we put these groups on the list of terrorist organizations for providing material support for terrorism ? Come on ! The guy was caught red handed lobbing a grenade at a medic , not even a soldier , and you want him off scott free ?

You're on my list of terrorist organizations , even if no one else put's you on theirs, thats for sure.

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