Monday, September 24, 2007


article = none , personal experiance

So , my aunt and uncle and other relatives came over this week. And
we drank a tonne of coffee and talked and talked and talked.
And my aunt told me all about CENSORED and CENSORED , and how she
and her CENSORED , in their younger days ? They CENSORED CENSORED
Then she told me "If this makes into your blog , we're through ! "
She reads my blog , I'm so gratified to have an audience.

But it got me to thinking. I started this blog because I wanted a
place to put down my thoughts without worry of interference. It's
anonymous, and I stay away from saying anything about my work because
even without names it isn't hard to guess who said what if you know
those people personally. I figured it was safe, and I could get away
with it.
Apparently not. No one is safe from the CENSORED .

This applies to newspapers too. I've seen a few articles where they
deny it totally. They accept money in the form of advertising from
businesses , but they claim not to be influenced by this money.
When Cubic Zincronium stones, immitation diamonds first came out, I
got a thing in the mail trying to tell me a fifty dollar Zincronium
ring. I checked with the jewelry store downstairs and they told me
their price on a zincronium stone that size was like three bucks.
So I called the newspapers and reported this.
"This kind of thing happens all the time. We'd be swamped in
complaints if we bothered to publish this. " was the response I got.
"Besides, it's standard business practices. No laws are broken."
Except perhaps the laws of shame for charging fifty bucks for a
three dollar stone.
But the newspapers have decided no one wants to hear about it.

And there's the problem of the french. No one actually speaks
french in this country. They speak Quebecois, which is only spoken in
quebec, or Fringlish in vanier ottawa, or Acadia in or near
newfoundland , or a dozen other dialects. None of which are french.
None of which have text books to teach you how to speak them.
This becomes important in my younger days when I get a text book
for french (parisian french , the kind spoken in paris and the only
kind of french on the book shelves) and guess what ? I can't
understand a word these people are saying I must be so stupid ! Until
a friend of mine invites me out to dinner with his new girlfriend.
From France. And I can understand her great !
You must speak french to get into the government.
But if you come from quebec , they don't bother to test you , they
only test us stupid englishmen. On Parisian french by the way , which
is not spoken in this country. And they have inspectors that ocme
around, and ifyou don't speak quebecois ! You get booted out.
In effect , work in the federal government has become a pure make
work project for quebecer's only. No one else is permitted in.
And if you go to the news paper ,or the local radio shows ? This is
a "hot button" issue. Everyone gets all emotional about it, so any
discussion on the matter is shut down real quick , and any attempt to
get anything about it published in the paper is also refused. Anyone
who tries to start anything on the matter is quickly painted as a
racist bugger and you should ignore this guy.

I look at old newspapers sometimes, the library used to have
microfilms that went back before 1900 and sometimes I would read back
from the very beginning forward.
I wonder how much of what I read is true, how much is simply
skipped for being a hot button issue, and how much is just plain

I now understand the place bloggers have cut for themselves in the
world, and why they won't go away.
My personal prejudices for not annoying members of my family, and
reluctantly passing on saying anything about the place where I work
(but I'll happily babble on about any other place) are small potatoes
against the "proffessional" reporters who have to face editers ,
editers trying not to have their advertising revenues sink into the
floor because they might annoy the businesses that actually purchase
ad's in their paper. Editers that decide they're going to try and
influence elections to favour big business because , lets face it ,
they ARE a big business and it would be idocy to let that opportunity
pass by , so every time an anti-business government gets into power
they start ragging on them mercilessly from the very beginning !
Bloggers don't do that.
Bloggers are free from such influences.
The thing about my aunt , and my sister worrying about those two
articles on CENSORED CENSORED CENSORED that I erased so I wouldn't
annoy her ? Small potatoes, an overhead people will happily pay,
because they frankly don't care about the comings and going of a small
group of people.
But they sure wanna know that that 50$ Zincronium ring is actually
only worth 3$ , even if the papers feel it isn't worthy news.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If you really wanted an anonymous blog, you shouldn't have shared the URL for it with your relatives. ;-) It's unlikely they would have recognized themselves if they had come across the blog accidentally (as if!) and you could have spilled your guts to your heart's content.

BTW Acadian isn't spoken "in or near newfoundland" -- it's primarily in New Brunswick, with a little in Nova Scotia. And if you want to talk about the place you work, there's a whole forum site devoted to that. ;-)