Thursday, April 05, 2007

'Porn & Pancakes' fights X-rated addictions


MORTON, Illinois (CNN) -- At 8 o'clock on a recent Saturday morning, more than 250 men gathered at New Life Christian Church in Morton, Illinois, for a breakfast of porn and pancakes.

The event, not as titillating as it sounds, is the brainchild of Craig Gross, founder of the online Christian ministry, Gross concocted the idea of "Porn & Pancakes" as a way to get Christians and church officials to talk about pornography addiction.

It's a problem, he said, that is growing, among Christian communities.

Just like the christians to solve a non-problem.

People think about sex all the time. That's life. Evolution even , since people who can't keep their mind off of it tend to do it a lot and have kids, and thats what Evolution wants. It's how we're built. Live with it.

Isn't the first time christians have come down on the prudish side either. Back around world war II it was all the rage, devices were made to keep men from having an erection while they slept (electro shock if you did) things like that. Then the medical establishment came down on them and said it was all nonsense and no harm had ever been proven to come of just letting it be and not trying to control anything.

And so we're on this circle again. Or they are.

I'm not endorsing anything illegal like child porn or anything. Just pointing out that looking at a few pictures of naked ladies is hardly an "addiction", it's perfectly normal. Despite what the religious types might think.

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