Saturday, April 28, 2007

N.L. premier casts Harper as wily deceiver


In St. John's on Friday, Williams said his government — which unveiled a budget projecting a record surplus for the coming year — owed nothing to Harper's government. The major gains in the province's recent budgets are due to offshore oil wealth, as well as the Atlantic Accord negotiated with the previous Liberal government.
While Newfoundland and Labrador is projecting record wealth from offshore resources, it is also anxious about changes to equalization.

No No ! We know equalization is where rich provinces give to the poor to equil everything out , but we're not a rich province ! Honest ! All that sudden wealth from offshore oil shouldn't be counted ! Thats against the rules we made up that you never agreed to !

Don't you dare touch our equilization payments !

We're having a record year for our budget thanks to suddenly getting rich and we don't want you taking away our welfare checks just because we suddenly have a little cash in our pocket. It's ok to do that for private individuals in canada , but not entire provinces !

Why , next thing you know, if this oil thing gets going , you'll be demanding we pay into equalization like quebec and ontario , instead of just take out from it ! We can't have that ! No way !

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