Monday, August 28, 2006

Vixen's Delight

I play world of warcraft, an online game where you
share the game world with as many as 2000 other players.

I was running up a new charactar, so I stopped in goldshire , a city , to look for a guild to help my new charactar.

Some girl, Sharalanda I think , was with a guild called Vixen's Delight , and she was talking to another female player, trying to recruit her for the guild.

Apparently the point of the Vixen's Delight is to fast talk male players into buying them a drink (an in game drink) , and negotiate for an hour of their time where on they will do anything. She didn't actually say Cybersex, she said Dancing Girl , but I'd seen these girls in action around and about the place.

would somone one please ! Tell me ! Why anyone would pay $20 / month , plus maintain their own computer, so that they can go out and PRETEND to be a prostitute, in exchagne for game money , money they can't even spend in the real world ????

Next thing you know , we will have virtual cops chasing these virtual prostitutes, because, really , this is a game meant for 10 year old little billy , and Little billy might have a high level charactar with more money than he knows what to do with and his parents are going to get quite upset if they walk by the computer and see him having cybersex with some stranger ....

sheesh !

The world we live in.
And the virtual one we play in !


Anonymous said...

Why is it that it is so much more upsetting to have little Billy deal with a prostitute that to worry that he is killing, maiming etc others

Ottawa Dude said...

You seem to be asking "Why isn't prostitution legal" and "Why can't 10 year old Little Billy Hire a prostitute".

It isn't legal. And he's not allowed. Enough said.

Anonymous said...

I wasn't asking about prostitution I was wondering why you were more worried about little Billy hiring a hooker than you were about it being okay for him to maime and kill people seems to me that I would be more concerned about the killing

Ottawa Dude said...

Why is it that it is so much more upsetting to have little Billy deal with a prostitute that to worry that he is killing, maiming etc others

Good luck on that. Tragically maiming and killing is all through are culture, right down to the fact that we do eat meat you know, and we have to kill cows (and other creatures) for that.

It's VERY difficult to espouse an anti-violence point of view to a culture of meat eaters. And that is what we are.