Tuesday, April 25, 2006

5% Solution

Saw the doctor today.

Apparently I'm in pretty good health , good enough that they're finally ready to operate. Operate several times it seems what they want to do to my belly isn't going to be done in a single operation.

I asked him two questions.

1. What choice do I have ? Whats the alternative ?
A. Do nothing and continue on as you are now.
- not good. I'm on predizone. You can stay on it for a while , but 5 years and you got ostrioperosis (weak bones, they break at the drop of a hat) and that's fatal.

2. What are my odds of survival.
a. 95%

So a 5% chance I bite the big one and don't have to worry about it ? Like , hello , do I have a choice here ?

I call this one the 5% solution.

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