Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Gun Control Games

Liberals misinformed parliament about millions spent on gun registry: AG


We want gun control. Everyone does. Except the gun lobby who wants to sell guns , of course. So what do we do ? We make a registry so the cops can easily find all fire arms.

And it gets gutted to the point where it's almost useless. As this article says, all information submitted was strictly volintary , no one double checked anything.

And , lets make sure it sinks. Hire two computer firms , not one , but two , to do the same job, just to waste money and deliberately rack up the price.

now the gun fanatics who want everyone shooting everyone as long as they get to sell you the guns can claim how expensive and stupid the idea was in the first place.

It's not expensive and stupid. It was deliberately sabataged in the first place.

Now the conservatives get to try it again , while the people who deliberately sabataged the effort ride their a$$'s about how useless it is to even try such a thing.

And the voters who really want this thing just get hammered with costs for something the gun fanatics will make every effort to gut and destroy a second time.

It would seem we don't really live in a democracy. The will of the electorate seems to come last here.

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