Sunday, May 07, 2006

Accept war deserters, 'Peace Mom' pleads


American anti-war activist Cindy Sheehan wants the Canadian government to grant sanctuary to U.S. army deserters.

Yeah yeah ! We'll harbor American Desterters on one hand , and on the other continue to send troops off to die in Afghanastan and Iraq !

Not going to happen.

"I'm just here begging the people of Canada to force your government — because your government works for you, …because your government does not work for war profiteers — to allow our soldiers to have sanctuary up here," she said.

Ummm.... nope. Sorry...
and uttering the phrase 'war profiteers' doesn't make it so. You still have 3000 casualties from 9/11 as I recall.

Trust me, if 4 guys with carpet knives and a willingness to sacrifice their very lives are incapable of keeping a secret , an entire INDUSTRY of companies, consisting of thousands and thousands, isn't going to be able to keep any conspiracy a secret of any kind. You are deluded in those accusations.

It's estimated 40,000 to 60,000 U.S. draft dodgers fled to Canada during the Vietnam War.

Vietnam is 1950's, it's now 2006. Those desterters , if they were 19 at the time, are now 75 years old. Are you thinking of drafting them too ?

Some people just can't let bygones be bygones.

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