Monday, April 04, 2016

Sex Change does not equil Sex Reversal

Lilly Wachowski makes first public appearance as a woman


Director Lilly Wachowski made her official public debut as a woman at the GLAAD Media Awards in Los Angeles on Saturday.
The 48-year-old The Matrix director, who was born Andrew Wachowski, revealed she was transitioning last month, four years after her sister Lana came out as transgender in 2012.

Sex change is not Sex reversal. What does that mean ? It means current technology is not sufficient to turn a man into a woman. What happens is you get castrated and then get some cosmentic surgury and you will never ever get your rocks off again. You are not a woman. You cannot bear children , you cannot enjoy sex. At best you lie there waiting as someone gets you dirty, you get nothing out of it.

It has always been one of my pet peeves that the newspapers never mention that part. Andrew Wachowski has not been turned into a woman.  Despite the articles statements to the contrary. That is misleading and a complete falsehood. Nongender would be the more accurate phrasing. Or palace Eunich  with cosmetic surgury. 


Anonymous said...

I am seeing a lack of focus in your posts. There's no cohesion in your views. Here in this article, you are pointing out the inherent ridiculousness of transgenderism, which is a Leftist Liberal sacred cow. One would think you were planted firmly in the conservative camp, as would one after reading your posts on the European refugee crisis. However, in the article immediately preceding this one, you adopt the old Marxist "Religion is the opiate of the masses" position when you shred organized religion.

I am not at all religious myself, but I do understand that the Judeo/Christian based religions have been one of, if not THE most important cornerstones of Western civilization, in our art, our moral codes, our traditions etc. Now, that religion is receding in influence, you can see how bit by bit our society is crumbling at the edges. Fear of prison or execution does not influence those who commit crimes against society, but in the past, maybe fear of eternal damnation would. Certainly, our modern "godless" society has allowed many many more things counter productive to civilization to flourish than in the days when religion was more powerful.

What I am saying is, that Christian religion is/was an important tool to build and protect the ideals of Western civilization and it should be recognized as such. I don't understand how on one day you can be railing against Leftist elements such as transgenderism and support for Radical Islam and the next you can be slagging Christianity as a mind control device.

Again, not religious myself but your flip-flopping reminds me of a Bible scripture: Revelation 3, 15-16. “I know your works, that you are neither cold nor hot. I could wish you were cold or hot. So then, because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will vomit you out of My mouth."

You should examine your views and decide which camp you are most inclined to. Otherwise, people reading your blog will be confused by your lack of focus and non-commitment and dismiss your views.

Ottawa Dude said...

My focus is "Honesty"
People are lying to you for a reason. and that reason is usually they benifit and it costs you and they don't care.
I despise those who are dishonest.
That's probably the "cohesion" you're looking for.