Thursday, November 15, 2012

I hate Wind

So ,here I am at the library , no internet again.

I hate wind. (my phone and internet data stick provider )

I gave them $67.80 on the 30th (yes ,I just looked that up , I really don't have a photographic memory) . This covers 25$ for my phone , and 35$ for their unlimited plan. And 8.50$ I presume to be tax.

So why is it on the 15th I'm staring at a web page that says your account is suspended add more money ?

so I phone wind up , and I get this long sad story about how your data stick the end of the billing cycle is the 15th and they want money.

but I just gave you 35$ on the 30th , thats only 15 days ago. I wnat to speak to your supervisor.

No dice. The supervisor demands 25$ , something about a minimum balance yadda yadda yadda. I tell her that the fact that her accounting system is broken and is eating my money is not an acceptable excuse and hang up on her.

I mean sheesh, they took 35$ for 15 days service, now they want another 25$ ... thats 60$ a month ! I can't afford that.

And these monkeys can't keep their stories straight , the last one told me I was good to the 30th thanks for your 35$ and now this one is saying more money , and it's all your mistake for not reading our minds and following our rules which we don't tell anyone about and don't publish anywhere give us more money.

so ... here i am at the library with no internet access.

And the internet access i did have was all crappy and you couldn't play online games on it anyways , my primary use for it.

I aint paying 60$ / month for a service that cuts out every 5 minutes and doesn't let me play online games. I will soldier on without it and use the money for something else.

On another note...the first time I walked all the way to the library i was totally beat. This time it was just a pleasant walk. I think I might be getting used to this whole early retirement disability business.

Except for the part where i can't eat anythign until i get back home. Travelling the world on an empty stomache to avoid ... unmentionables isn't all it's cracked up to be.

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