Tuesday, March 06, 2012

An Iranian Poll

Article = none , personal opinion

Hello , my name is Mahmoud Ahmadinejad , I am the supreme leader of Iran , and I would like to ask for your help in developing a western style poll to ask my people if we should develop nuclear weapons. Does anyone have any idea's ?

"Do you think we should nuke Israel, yes or no ?"

Umm, thats not bad, but I don't like to actually refer to them as an actual nation. We more or less believe they're squatters who've taken Islamic land. We prefer the term Zionist Entity.

"Do you think we should nuke the Zionist Entity ? Yes or No."

Now that you mention it , the ZE isn't acting alone. They seem to be getting a lot of support from the United states. Which we like to call The Great Satan.

"Do you think we should nuke the Zionist Entity and their backers The Great Satan ? Yes or no."

And we prefer to call our nukes "cleansing holy fire" not nukes. Even though we stole the technology from the west. Speaking of which , the western nations back the ZE too don't they ?

"Do you think we should cleanse with holy fire the Zionist Entity , their backers the Great Satan ,and all the western nations ? Yes or no ?"

And you know we are of the Twelver Shia branch of Islam, and while the prophet mohamed praise be his name orders us to stand shoulder to shoulder with our brothers in Islam , they're disobeying that edict. Seems they're a little nervous about us getting nukes , I mean cleansing holy fire, so I think we should add them to the list.

"Do you think we should cleanse with holy fire the Zionist Entity , their backers the Great Satan ,and all the western nations , and any Islamics not of our particular branch of Islam ? Yes or no ?"

And it seems there are some Twelver Shia beleivers out side of our glorius nation that don't agree with that as well. So we should add them to the list. and ... I hate to do this , but does it have to be a yes or no poll ? Can it be yes and dang yes ? How about yes and certainly ?

"Do you think we should cleans with holy fire everyone outside of the borders of Iran irrespective of race or creed or religion ? Yes, Dang Yes , or most Assuredly Yes ?"

Hmm... actually , thats just about perfect. Thank you for your help.

-Mahmoud Ahmadinejad

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