Saturday, March 10, 2012

Pope Benedict warns against gay marriage


Pope Benedict XVI has denounced gay marriage in a speech to US bishops visiting Vatican City. The Pope warned of "powerful political and cultural currents seeking to alter the legal definition of marriage".

No no no. That not right. We need to re-write this title. How about ...

Unelected religious leader orders his lackeys to oppose elected governments decisions regarding human health. Religious texts cited as reason for dispute

Yes. That's much better. He's all in a kerfluffle because we're not doing what his religious texts say.

Of course there's a lot of religious texts out there, and they all say different things, and they all accuse each other of either being wrong , or being outright fabrications. So it's pretty obvious no matter what you do , some religion is going to be ticked at you.

Precisely why do we put up with this guy ? Oh yeah . He has no army. He's not a threat to anyone. So we just let him talk and then make fun of him. That's why.

Why do we put up with any religion , like , say Islam ? Oh yeah , they got activists and will come knocking on your door and kill you. Hmmm... I think I see now why our armed forces are visiting Afghanistan and Iraq. I knew there had to be a good reason somewhere.

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