Friday, December 10, 2010

Thanks for the Terrorism

Teen accused of hacking WikiLeaks pay sites

There is a certain inevitability in world events. Certain patterns that keep being repeated , certain people in authority with no sense of history , doomed to repeat the course , so to speak , only all of us will suffer because of their ignorance.

When the romans decided to make christianity illegal , they did not destroy it, they merely drove it underground where it could not be seen or dealt with. And they spread like wild fire, and eventually rose up and took over the western world for a few centuries.

When a group of scholars challenged the dictators of the day (yeah , the very same christians, who also had a problem with learning even their own history) and were all imprisoned or punished horribly , it did not wipe them out. It drove them underground, and turned them into a violent group who , technically I suppose now rule the world (atheism vs theology)

There are many examples where people were either just minding their own business or were merely pointing out that the authorities of the day were doing things they weren't supposed to be doing.

And the government surpressed them.

And they got driven underground. But their cause was popular.

And so they became violent. They fit the modern definition of todays terrorists.

Mr. Assange , god bless you , for you are about to be Martyr'd for your cause.

Mr. Barak Obama. Thanks a heap. You just brought a bunch of new age terrorists upon us. Only this time they're not ignorant goat herders on the other side of the world. They're high tech home grown westerners. And they're lack of religion isn't going to lessen their zeal.

Mark my words. This movement has legs, and we're all going to regret the decision to surpress it.

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