Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Ottawa Police Create video protesting how they're being treated.

After it became public that they arrested a certain Stacy Bonds, for public drunkenness, because she apparently had a bottle of alcholol in her hands, which mysteriously vanished , and was never entered into evidence or found, and after the case was tossed because they got caught on video kneeing her in the back stripping her topless , and otherwise acting like a bunch of hoodlems mugging a victem instead of proper police officers ...

The ottawa police have been distributing this particular video among themselves as a response.

Note how the "charges" against the criminal are trumped up to the most atrocious things imaginable ? The fact that this is in response to a woman who was innocent (charges dropped this time and no previous charges) is probably the most aggravating thing of all.

When people just open their mouths and let fly the lies ... it serves them right they get caught.

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