Thursday, December 09, 2010

Police Harassment The Wireless Toaster Way

So me and Wireless Toaster went In Drinking , in not out , meaning that we got some beer, we stayed home, and we cranked up skype and in the comfort of our own homes we got stinking drunk together.

Which is likely to replace going out to a bar , since it's a heck of a lot cheaper , far more comfortable, no line up for a filthy bathroom, etc etc etc ... but thats another topic for later on.

So wireless toaster is having problems with his wife, and he went to this rather unsavory motel (he's tracking down his wife, he things she has ... not so kind's a long story lets not get into it) and while he's there he see's these rather nasty looking individuals go into the motel ,have an admittedly heated conversationw with the clerk , and leaves.

And he got pictures.

And so he reports it to the police. And they never get back to him.

Wireless toaster is a technology freak , I have to mention. His current fetish is phones and phone systems. And he's a certified (computer) network engineer. A very technical person. And he had a nice computer network at home before he and his wife had problems and he had to leave, and now has a pretty awsome phone switchboard system where he lives.

Which is important to this story. because it records phone calls , incoming and out going.

And we're drinking , and he's talking about this , and he emails me three recordings for me to listen to. So , drinking back the beer, I give them a listen.

In the first recording he manages to track down the police officer that he talked to at the motel. A police officer who refused to give him his name, it should be noticed. As for the problem at the motel , it reveils nothing, but I found it fascinating that even if a cop refuses to give you his name and badge number , you can call the police station up and get it anyways. In this day and age of video's being released of cops doing nasty not very police like things, this is a fairly important point I think.

In the second recording the cop calls back , and of course, you can't give out information to a total stranger about a case thats under investigation . Even if the case is closed it's a violation of privacy to discuss it with a stranger. But Wireless toaster wants to get his say in , and the cop kept cutting him off and pointing this out... not much was accomplished.

I mentioned the phone system right ?

It seems that when you block your number when phoneing someone, it's just a courtesy that the receiving phone pays attention to that. Wireless's phone system wasn't programmed to be courteous , and ignored the signil indicating the number was blocked and gave him the number anyways.

Interesting that a blocked number could be over ridden and gotten anyways. Thats a second piece if information I found fascinating in our little drinking session.

He ran the number through google. He didn't get the cops personal details , of course, thats a serious violation of privacy. But he did get the name of the phone provider. It was a Fido Phone. Indicating that the cop had actually called on his private cell phone rather than his office phone. wind phone has unlimited minutes, I've used it for work all the time. So I don't think there's much wrong with that , to be honest.

Third phone call recording was Wireless calling back.

Try to imagine, you called someone , you blocked the number ... and he calls you back on the phone who's number he's not supposed to have. And he goes on and on about this case . And the cop lies and says it's not his personal phone it's his work phone (yeah right) And to never call him on it. (ha ha ...don't call me at work ? To discuss work ? But it's ok to call me on this *OTHER* work number ? Thats your private phone buddy)

And Wireless went back to going on and on about having pictures and he want's to turn them in and help solve that case...

And so I learned a third thing that session. It's possible to harrass a police officer in such a way that he cannot do anything about it.

all and all a very productive evening I think. Which was contrary to what I wanted to actually do , but ok, this worked too.

I can still imagine the expression of horror that cop probably had on his face when Wireless called back on that guys personal phone. "I swear I blocked the number ! Honest I did !" It makes me laugh.

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