Monday, April 05, 2010

The scumminess of Rogers

Phoned rogers to cancel my internet.

Offered me a higher plan at a 30% discount.

Umm... 30% off 60$ a month is still more than primus costs. Plus I'm being billed 10$ / month as a penalty for not having television.

I think they're scummy because they only make such offers when you're calling them up to quit. What about making such offers in the normal course of business instead of ripping people off by charging them 2.50$ / gigabyte overage fee's when they're not paying attention ? Thats like charging extra because we can get away with it , and then when you catch us , we'll stop but we don't give any back. I feel robbed.

I don't like dealing with people who commit robbery.

Plus various other charges that the government doesn't charge that rogers does, so primus isn't going to charge that.

Apparently their "save attempt" was to hope I can't add up a couple of numbers.

Unlmited vs 25 gig / month limit ... technically the same price in the best possible case, assuming they don't exercise their right to change their mind and rewrite the contract any time they like in any way they like.

Bye Rogers.

While I was ending the call with Rogers the line beeped and I picked it up. Primus...wanted info so they could run the credit check.

Oops...I still might not get Primus ???

This could get interesting ...

gEt out the rogers bill ... where is that 10$ fee for not having TV ? Umm... it's not broken down. Just a flat 35$ / month fee plus tax for internet.

Well ... they still kill me on bandwith even if they dropped the 10$ fee for tv a long time ago.

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