Monday, May 04, 2009

Pig farmers bracing for pork import restrictions


Canadian pig farmers are bracing for the economic impact of a Chinese ban on Alberta pork products, which some fear may be only the start of a backlash against their pigs.
On Sunday, Jurgen Preugschas, the president of the Canadian Pork Council, called the Chinese ban a "knee-jerk" reaction, rather than one based on science.

"Quite often countries have knee-jerk reactions to news out of another country," he told The Canadian Press from his home in Mayerthorpe, Alta., on Sunday.

Yep. Something wrong with those Chinese milk products, CLOSE THE BORDER IMMEDIATELY TO THEM !!! Something wrong with Canadian Pigs...Now Wait A Minute Here ! Lets Not Be Hasty !

It's the self serving dollars first human health later attitude that gets me the most here. This fiasco is suddenly not about pigs catching a disease that can kill people, its suddenly about national pride in our diseased live stock , and how farmers are financially hurt by it all...

Excuse me ,I have to barf now.

And no, I don't want to eat meat from those pigs either. I don't blame the Chinese in the slightest.

Twenty people died from diseased cheese in Canada. Not a single person went to jail for manslaughter. Not a one. You want to know what I think about producers that make diseased products and then whine that they've been caught ?

Shoot the diseased pigs. Put the farmer out of business, he's obviously incompetent. And such incompetence will get people killed, and he'll get away with it.

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