Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Supreme Court a rough ride for Gitmo detainees' lawyer


In a case that could determine the future of the controversial military prison, a lawyer representing 37 detainees argued "the time for experimentation is over" and the prisoners should immediately be granted habeas corpus rights denied them at Guantanamo.

I have a wonderful idea !

You can't take prisoners anymore if you go to war. Why ? Because you have to give them all the rights due to an american citizen. You need proof they actually did something wrong , and lots of witnesses , and no your own soldiers don't count because they're obviously prejudiced...oh ..your own soldiers and the enemey soldiers were the only people around ? Guess you have to let all prisoners go then. Too bad.

Oh ... since you're not allowed to take prisoners you're just going to shoot them all ? That's murder ! We're gonna put all your soldiers in your own jails and try them under your own courts.. and maybe get a few enemey soldiers who want to kill you to testify what bad people your soldiers are so they can all get executed.

Oh're not allowed to defend yourselves anymore ? Oh thats really too bad now the world will be safe for liberals like me , no more war .. .hey ... who the hell are you ? Why are you pointing that gun at me ? We are peace loving people that don't hurt anyone !

*bang bang* *body falls to floor*
"Death to the Infidels ! " Runs off and starts shooting random innocent american citizens since the americans no longer defend themselves.


Canadian terrorism suspect Omar Khadr is a party to the Supreme Court case, but his legal situation is more complicated than the other detainees because he faces charges before the U.S. war crimes tribunals.

"It's an important case for assessing the propriety of the administration's over-arching legal position -- that the judiciary has no role to play in the war on terror," said Lt.-Cmdr. William Kuebler, Mr. Khadr's lead military attorney.

"Our position continues to be that Canada can't rely on the American courts to protect the rights of Omar Khadr. The Canadian government is going to have to do that itself."

Maybe We don't want to.
Omar Khadr ? An obvious Middle Eastener immigrant found in Afghanistan shooting at american troops ? If he ever fell into Canadian hands they'd strip him of his Canadian citizenship and send him packing , what do you mean defend him ? Shoot him , maybe , defend him , not a chance ! We're on the other side of the war , those could have been Canadian troops that he was shooting at ! And you think we're gonna do squat for him ????

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