Friday, December 28, 2007

The breaking of the DVD Dam

Article = none , personal experiance

I bought some movies the other day.

  • Spider Man 3
  • Ghost Rider
  • Pirates of the Carribean 3

And..just today , I also bought some movies.

  • Live Free or Die Hard (Bruce Willis)
  • Urban Justice (Steven Segal)

Why am I writing a blog article about my taste in movies , you may ask. Well, I'll be happy to tell you.

The one that jumps out most is Pirates of the Carribean 3. Why ? Because I distinctly remember it being advertised as being on Blue Ray only , and it would never ever ever be realeased on regular DVD you have to buy a blue ray player and then the movie and then you are locked into the blue ray format forever more ha ha arn't we so clever you putz !

Ahem. I bought it on regular dvd format.
The kind that plays on my old ancient non-blue ray player.
Ahem. I bought them ALL on regular old , we aint making movies for that anymore , ancient , regular dvd format. All of them.

The HD / blue ray dvd dam is broken now. No one can afford a 500$ + mistake , so no one bought into either format. They just waited, accept for one or two percent of the population who are rich enough to buy both players and then purchase movies from both formats and they don't care if one or both goes belly up because they're stinking rich.

But two percent of the viewing audience does not keep a big movie company afloat. And they have wages to pay , but the viewing public it costs nothing , heck it SAVES them money , to just keep their money in their pocket and wait. And wait. And wait. And we can out wait you.

And now both formats are dead. Because now that we see that you're releasing movies in the old dvd format and we don't have to blow no 500$ on a new player , we're not going to.

We win.

Blue ray AND HD formats are dead. They're just going to thrash a little bit and make a little more noise before they die. But really movies on the old format ? Why upgrade.

Goodbye Blue Ray (or HD) . *sniff* we hardly knew you.

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