Thursday, August 23, 2007

Is stealing wireless wrong?

Is stealing wireless wrong?

Yes. Getting on the internet on the nextdoor neibours wireless router without him knowing is wrong.

The argument that the wireless signil is a "lightbulb" and any light it radiates that the neibour doesn't use is wasted , is wrong.

The signil is actually metered out. Like oil or gas. So much data up or down per minute or per hour, you jack into his signil, he slows down , he's not too happy about it.

The argument that you were just checking email he'll barely notice, is in fact the argument of "I'm only going to steal just a little. They'll never notice. " and I'm sure that everyone agree's that "stealing just a little" is wrong. Maybe not as wrong as "steal anything I can" , but still , it's wrong.

I'm not sure who the author of the above article is, but with a mix of ignorance and self interest, he has managed to talk himself in to thinking theft is an ok thing. And that we shouldn't be so materially possessive, thats a bad thing.

I totally disagree with him.

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