Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Real Life /ignore

Article = None, personal experiance.

Ever play any kind of online game, and there's that annoying prick that just won't leave you alone ? Most online games have a command to help with that. /ignore (slash ignore). Use it on him , and you can't here him anymore. Ah , the joy of peace and quiet.

Don't you wish you had such a command in real life ? Out here in the real world ?

Like when I talked to a guy I knew for years at work, and we now take the same bus home. And it turns out he's a religious fanatic and won't shut up trying to "save my soul". I ask him questions , like "If god is all knowing , all powerful , and he made us, and he made the devil, how can I have free will ? Isn't it all just a game where HE already knows the outcome even before the game began ? "

The reply was "Yes but ..." and then continue with his recruitment speach and totally ignore what I just said.

"Do you actually think about the words coming out of your mouth or are you just repeating what you heard someone else say , without thought ? "

"I'm just reveiling to you the truths that are written ..." etc etc , thanks for telling me you're just a tape recorder not capable of thinking.

Oh yes, the /ignore command ?

An mp3 player and some head phones. Crank the music up loud. I'm sure he'll get the picture soon enough. Gonna do it today. :)

This technique is not recommended for a friend you want to keep, but this guy is proving incapable of any other topic of conversation , so for me , I think it's time he goes away and never comes back. Yes it's somewhat insulting , but then blathering away for two solid days like a tape recorder is too. What goes around comes around.

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