Monday, July 23, 2007

Citizens Arrest

How to Make a Citizen's Arrest

You know , I used to be a security guard. And we discussed the whole citizens arrest issue up here in canada , and the canadian legal climate and so on and so forth. And you know what we were told ?

1. Don't do it.

2. Really , I'm serious here. Don't do it. Don't even think about it.

3. If you have trouble reading , and you think you're some kind of super cop , and you actually really do inflict a citizen's arrest on someone ? Call the real cops. Immediately. And turn whoever it is you just arrested over to them right away. If it's a nice sunny day , and everything is going you're way , and nothing too awful happens, you may actually avoid spending any time in jail for kidnapping.

4. Don't do it. I know. I'm being repetative here. But ... really. Seriously. I'm not fooling around here. don't do it. Let them run away . Let them "get away with it" and stand there like an idiot and say "Well , what did you want me to do ? Mug him or something ? Of course I let him run away ! " really. You stay out of jail. The security company you work for avoids huge massive law suits ... dont' do it . Let him run. I'm serious. This is sounds funny , that because it is funny , it's actually one of the most humorous punch lines of the Canadian Legal System. But it's true. Let him go. Let him run. You'll be a better man for it. You'll be a free'er man for it. You may be unemployed ( at worst , but I seriously doubt they'll fire you for this) but you wont' be in jail. And you wont' have a criminal record. And thats always a nice bonus.
Let him go. Just don't worry your head over it. Laugh with the rest of us about the silliness of the legal system , and let him go.

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