Wednesday, June 14, 2006

The Microsoft Treadmill


Microsoft releases eight critical software patches to repair vulnerabilities

NEW YORK (AP) - Microsoft Corp. (NASDAQ:MSFT) released eight critical updates Tuesday to patch security holes in its Windows operating system, Internet Explorer browser, Windows Media Player and Office productivity software.

The critical patches - so called because they address problems deemed to pose the highest threat in Microsoft's security warning system - all are designed to prevent an attacker from taking control of another person's computer without that user's permission.

Hmmm...Security is Job One. How long ago was it bill gates said that ? 5 years ?
5 Years , and the Internet Explorer is full of holes. No, I take that back. It isn't full of holes , it has precisely ONE hole and one hole only , active - x components. A hole he patly refuses to close, and viciously defends with copy rights and legal action against anyone who dares infring on it.

Meanwhile I'm sitting her using firefox , and before that Opera , and havn't had a virus or paraiste in almost 3 years (or more) , while he's constantly patching and patching the internet explorer, but refusing to shut it's one and only hole because it's making him money.

One has to wonder how much money businesses over the years have spent on upgrades and anti-virus programs , and then cleaning up virus's and trojens those programs didn't catch , because he sings a good song and puts out a lot of really cool bafflegab that sounds impressive.

Meanwhile guys like me on the ground who know better, who spend our careers making this stuff work , get constantly overruled or told to be quiet by ignorant managers who'd rather read advertising pamphlets than talk to the mechanics who make things go.


It's a self inflicted pain these people are inflicting upon themselvs. They deserve it. I keep telling myself that.

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