Friday, June 30, 2006

Coming soon -- mind-reading computers

LONDON, England (Reuters) -- A raised eyebrow, quizzical look or a nod of the head are just a few of the facial expressions computers could soon be using to read people's minds.

An "emotionally aware" computer being developed by British and American scientists will be able to read an individual's thoughts by analyzing a combination of facial movements that represent underlying feelings.

Not quite mind reading , but still , pretty good. Can you control a mouse with that ?

He and his collaborators believe the mind-reading computer's applications could range from improving people's driving skills to helping companies tailor advertising to people's moods.

Stop !!!
You're going to read my mind and determine how best to SPAM me ??? This verges on mind control you understand. Subliminal Advertising has been illegal for a long time, but it seems we're now going for a new, high tech version of this.

"Our research could enable Web sites to tailor advertising or products to your mood," Robinson told Reuters. "For example, a Webcam linked with our software could process your image, encode the correct emotional state and transmit information to a Web site."

You're going to read my mind , and then tell any random business man or advertiser what I'm feeling, people notorious for breaking rules, and laws, in the persuite of profit ? This is what you plan on doing with your brand spanking new mind reading device ?

Hey ! The guy on channel four is thirsty ! Break out the beer ads ! Channel Six is hungry, break out the McDonalds High Transfat heart attack special ads, those things pay us the most ! Channel 7 the soon to be illegal viagra ads, we gotta move that stuff out before they discover it causes heart attacks and ban it ...


Oh yeah , bandwidth issue !

you're going to take bandwidth from me , that I pay MY ISP for , so that you can read my mind and determine how best to spam me to death. You're going to make ME pay for your spam , in other words, AND you're going to make ME pay for YOUR breach of privacy.

Because Breach of Privacy is exactly what this is. No one in their right mind is going to let you read their mind for the soul purpose of spamming them more efficiently. The only way this works is if you trick them into agreeing to it or simply don't tell them you're doing it. No one agree's to get junk mail now adays, and certainly no one will agree to PAY to get more efficiently targetted with junk mail.

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