Monday, January 02, 2006

Top Ten Ways I use the Web

There's a lot of top ten lists coming out lately , no doubt a david letterman thing. And It occured to me, yah know... the web has me doing things now that I never did before.

So , what are the top 10 ways the web has touched me ?

1.. My MP3 player. I take it everywhere. I listen to it all the time. Ummm.. guess where the songs come from ? Yes, they're legal ! Sheesh !

2.. email. Don't get a lot, but I do use it. Never did before.

3.. buying software. I have bought at least 2 pieces of software , online , for my PDA . A chess program and a basic interperter.

4.. cheap cell phone. Instead of hunting around for cards for this phone and hoping they're in stock (the reason my last cell phone died is I could never find cards for it) I go to a web site and "fill her up" pay as you go style. No hunting for cards required, and no mysterious deductions if I'm feeling poor this month.

5.. Blogging. I never even heard of blogging 5 years ago. Now I blog. Hmmm...

6 .. Online gaming. I am a world of Warcraft fanatic. Ok, I tried a few other games, they sucked, and I went back. guess maybe I'm an online game fanatic and WoW is the only one who did it right. Whatever. I pretty much plan to be playing an online game of some kind or another for the rest of my life.

7.. catch the news on cnn. Never watch tv , but I'm well informed. cbc as well. Occasionally a blog article results from this if somethign annoys me.

8.. online calender. What days I work and what times I start vary , so this has to be kept track of. Used to use the pda for that, now I use 's calander and do it online, typing in the stuff at work and being able to view it from anywhere (like home)

9.. Streaming music. Sometimes I get tired of the canned mp3 music , my ISP provider has streaming music that I can listen to.

10.. frequent Bill Gates Rants. Can you believe that guy ? What does he think he's trying to do ? Purchase the Entire Internet ? Gawd I hate him ! And that Internet Explorer ! Biggest virus and parasite trap in the world !


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