Tuesday, September 27, 2005

U.S. group irked at Canadians over salmon


A coalition of U.S. utilities and sports fishing groups has threatened litigation if Washington doesn't renegotiate a Canadian salmon treaty.

The groups complain that, despite the Pacific Salmon Treaty, new DNA samples show nearly 90 percent of chinook caught by Canadian fishermen off the west coast of Vancouver Island come from the United States.

Let me get this straight.
There are some fish. They swim around in the ocean, across the border's so to speak.

Because sometimes, they are on the US side of the border, they are US fish. Because sometimes they are on the Canadian side of the border... well that doesn't count, does it ?

I mean really... it says right there in the article the candian fishermen were fishing in canadian waters... you laying claim to fish in some forien country's waters now ?

Get a life !

Only in the USA...

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