Friday, September 16, 2005

Two Teired Health


So what is a Two Teired Health care system ?

Well... this is a system where by the public health care system takes care of the poor people , like me , and the rich people get to jump ahead in line by going to private clinics , which charge a lot more than the government rates. Which most people can't pay , so there's a very short line up , and so they basically queue jump to the head of the line.

Oh ... and the doctors get paid more in private clinics. And they don't have to work as hard.

Which , if you're a smart doctor , means leaving public service behind and working for a private clinic only, for rich people only. But if you're a a dumb doctor, the rich peoples clinics won't have you , so you're stuck in public service.

Oh , and the rich peoples doctors ? They don't want the hard cases, only the easy ones that occur most commonly and are easy to fix. Hard cases they dump on the public health care system, because hey , Crohns Disease (as an example) only affects 7 people in 100 000 , so it's just not cost effective to bother with it. Leave it to the dumb doctors too stupid to work in the private sector of rich people.

Oh , and you're only mediocre rich ? You may use the rich peoples clinic until you run out of money , then back to the public sector for you with all the dumb doctors. Basically we fleece you for every dime and then dump you.

So how would I fix this ?

I was talking to a nurse recently , and she points out that the government deliberately limites the number of doctors, refusing to train more than 250 in a year even though thousands apply for the position.

Why are we even talking about a two tiered health care system when the government is already imposing an artificial shortage of doctors ? Just stop imposing the artificial limit, thats all. Whats your problem ?

Greed , of course is the problem. It all comes down to money. Some special interest group , probably the doctors themselves or some medical council , doesn't want to flood the market with doctors, their salaries might go down !

Stupid , self inflicted problem. I hate this.

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