Monday, September 26, 2005

Democracy Vs Dictatorships

I have been considering the claims of the religious fundamentalists about Iraq and the US policy in the middle east for some time, and I have concluded that the religious fundamentalists are correct. The US really isn't wanted and shouldn't be sticking their nose in the business of other countries.

Well , sort of. Kind of ... maybe it's not all the way the way you think.

*evil grin*

The purpose of a democracy is to empower the people. The comman man. The guy on the ground who just goes to work every day driving a truck , or cutting hair, or digging ditches, or whatever he does to get by, he aint rich, he aint powerful, he's probably not even particularily handsome. He is The Common Man.

The purpose of a Dictatorship, or Religious Theocracy, or most any other form of government, is to empower a few "special" people , maybe the rich , maybe the priest hood, but some small minority of people living in that country , and basically to rape and pillage the majority and turn them into slaves and chattle. (Witness the Muslim minority in Iraq's treatement of the Majority muslim and Kurds ).

So ... when I say "The US really isn't wanted ... " the question becomes ... Who is it that is not wanting them ?

The answer is , of course... the priviledged few who are living high on the hog arn't interested in things changing.

The oppressed majority , being constantly raped and pillaged by their so called "lawful government" are all for change. Any change... nothing could be as bad as what they have right now , right ? Oh yes conquer and force a regime change, we'll try anything once !

Yup. The actions of the US are not apreciated among the ruling elite of the world. Of course, since the purpose of democracy is to knock those ruling elite off their golden thrones and stop them from raping and pillaging the common people of their countries...something they are loath to stop ... this would almost seem a trite statement. One would think it obvious they do not like the USA , and in fact can never like them.

This also dove tails into this whole "World Opinion" stuff I keep hearing , why does the world hate the US so ? Well... the world doesn't ... the only people you are hearing from are the elites in danger of being de-throned. The silent majority stays silent , and usually uninformed, because if they face a firing squad (or worse) for openning their big mouths and complaining about their current situation.

Just an opinion , just an opinion.

So .... when do we invade Syria and conquer them ? And who's next after that ?

(Edited to add this part)

This comes back to the futility of terrorism in Iraq.

I mean , lets face it. Under the old regime, the cops walked down the street , picked up people , demanded a kick back. If you didn't have the money in your pocket, they shot you. They found pictures of prisoners being tortured, graves with 100 000 people inside of them... not because they were criminals, but because they were the raped and pillaged majority and the "special minority" did as they pleased to them.

Remove that , and replace it with the odd suicide bomber every now and then.

No dice.

Hear about a suicde bomber three towns over every few days... or face the corrupt cop on the street picking your pocket and killing you if you object every day ...which are you going to choose ? Suicide bombers are wasting their time. And their lives. And the clerics that are pushing them into it are equilly futile. They actually have to go out of country to find suicide bombers because there arn't any inside Iraq willing to do the job. The Iraqi's are frustrated at the slow pace of reform the americans impose... but they sure as heck aint going back to what they had way in hell they'll do that. They'll risk hell and high water to avoid that.

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