Monday, July 30, 2012

Palistinian's can't see past own noses

Palestinians attack Mitt Romney for 'racist' comments

Saeb Erekat, an aide to Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas, responded quickly to the comments.

"It is a racist statement and this man doesn't realise that the Palestinian economy cannot reach its potential because there is an Israeli occupation," Mr Erekat said.

"It seems to me this man lacks information, knowledge, vision and understanding of this region and its people.

"He also lacks knowledge about the Israelis themselves. I have not heard any Israeli official speak about cultural superiority," he added.

"Israeli Occupation" is the standard party line for "Kill all the Jews then we can start working on other problems." It's used by most dictatorships to excuse why their people live in really horrible conditions and they refuse to do anything about it.

The truth is , they're shooting at the Israeli's, forcing the Israeli's to defend themselves by shooting back. Then complaining "We don't have an economy because the israeli's stole all our land in 1949 when we sold it to them and expected we'd just come back and conquer the place again and keep the money ...but it didn't work out that way and we want the land back anyways. "

Like most land claim disputes between nations it's long and complicated and not given over to simple explanations. Simple explanations like "Our Holy Book says it's all ours. Now get out you thieves. "

In short, their policy of enslaving their own people over the Israeli Occupation is alive and well , and they don't want to see past it on anything. They don't want their people to do well. They like them as slaves.

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