Saturday, July 16, 2011

Obama, lawmakers press ahead for elusive debt deal


(Reuters) - President Barack Obama and congressional leaders pressed ahead with private talks on deficit reduction on Saturday, seeking an as-yet-elusive way to lift the debt ceiling and avoid a U.S. default next month.

Ah , good old America, my most favorite country that I've never set foot in. Only in America do you elect a leader , and then black mail him with bankrupting the country so that he has to do what the opposition wants.

I'm sorry , was it Obama who got elected ? , or the republics that want to cut social spending but the people of privilege lose nothing ?

Anyways, ignoring the internal politics, it is obvious the Americans will not be able to get a hold of their current ballooning economic crisis , and they will in a little while be de-listed as the bench mark currency that the world pegs it's other currencies against.

Time to batten down the hatches and start investing in things people have to have no matter what. Shoes, grocery stores, people always have to eat , right ? Even in hard times ? Yeah. Time to attach yourself to some industry that isn't going to sink.

1 comment:

Ottawa Dude said...

My response, Inspector , is simple.

The united states is too large (300 million people, not physical area). There are too few people , with too much power. And so it's easy to bribe them with a ridiculous amount of money (at least ridiculous on the personal level , a tiny invisibly small drop in the bucket on a national level) to do things for the rich and powerful , and bamboozle the public with long speaches that mean nothing.

You need more governmen t, not less. The price of buying the nation has to be raised, not lowered.
