Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Under Pressure on Health Care, White House Fights Back


WASHINGTON — The White House on Monday started a new Web site to fight questionable but potentially damaging charges that President Obama’s proposed overhaul of the nation’s health care system would inevitably lead to “socialized medicine,” “rationed care” and even forced euthanasia for the elderly.

Only in america could you face the charge of murder (forced euthanasia) because you decided to give some stuff away for free. (Health Care). Really, it's pretty obvious who works for the people and who's just trying to reserve a peice of the pie for themselves.

“I think the combination of spending a trillion dollars that we don’t have and another rushed process really triggered this,” said Matt Kibbe, the president of the conservative group FreedomWorks. “People started paying attention.”

Yeah , well while you're shouting exagerated figures about how much it will cost 20% of the population is noticing they have the big butt kiss for health care.

Stay the course Obama. Congress will hate you but the people will love you.

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