Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Legal torture

Ex-cop facing jail time rejects last chance to testify at Ont. public inquiry

Even the threat of death wouldn't be enough to compel a former Ontario police officer to testify before a public inquiry into an alleged pedophile ring, he told a Toronto court on Wednesday.

Now why would someone say that ? Probably because they're being tortured.

"I will never go to that public inquiry in Cornwall even if you put a gun to my head," said Dunlop. "It's been excruciating."


The former officer blew the whistle in the 1990s on allegations that prominent community members, including Roman Catholic clergy, were sexually abusing dozens of children in incidents dating back to the 1950s.

I remember living through this. Half the churches in ontario wound up paying hundreds of millions of dollars to keep their preachers out of jail for child molesting. Everyone thought it was so corrupt of the catholic church because these people were getting off scott free and other people were paying the money for them to continue their molesting ways.

And now ... the cop that started it all is still being tortured, I mean questioned, on the matter 17 years later. They want to investigate how the police handled the matter (ie: drag him through the public eye and make him look bad) in a "Public" Inquirey.

And of course he doesn't want any of that.

It seems the Catholic Church is trying to set itself up as untouchable. Say or do anything against them , and they will come for you , even decades later. And that is just not acceptable. This guy isn't even a cop any more, and I have no doubt the church is responsible for that he isn't even charged with any crimes , he's just tired of answering questions after 17 years of this nonsense.

And the value of a witnesses statement after 17 years is pretty much zilch anyways. Check his police notes, but dragging him out 17 years later is pretty much a waste of everyones time.

That church is scum , if you ask me.

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