Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Ontario could claw back child-care benefit


Some of Ontario's poorest families might never see the monthly child-care allowance proposed by the federal government.

The provincial government is expected to deduct the annual $1,200 child-care benefit for every child under age six directly from social assistance or disability support cheques.
The $100 monthly allowance is intended to replace the current national child-care funding deal with provinces, but Wilkey and other advocates for low-income families worry the province will claw back the benefits.

The Ontario government already deducts the National Child Benefit Supplement from social assistance and disability cheques, despite a campaign promise to stop the clawback.

The truth is ....
The provincial government wants the money , and has no intention of giving it to the private citizens.

If the federal government doesn't give it to the provincial government , but instead opts to give it directly to the people , the provincial government will "claw back" the money and take it anyways... thus insuring the people get nothing.

The current premier of ontario is Dalton McGuinty. He is a member of the Liberal Party of Canada.

His web site is : http://www.premier.gov.on.ca/english/
His email address is Dalton.McGuinty@premier.gov.on.ca.

He is a provincial class RAT , obviously.

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