Thursday, June 30, 2005

Man are those cows ever Mad !

Yahoo Mad Cow Disease Article

Tue Jun 28, 5:56 PM ET

WASHINGTON - The latest case of mad cow disease has brought new talk of a national livestock tracking system, something the chairman of the House Agriculture Committee says the beef industry can create more quickly than the government.

So the beef industry , who's losing massive amounts of money in sales , is going to get the job of blowing the horn when they themselves produce a bad product ? How often do you think they're going to sound the alert ?

The industry is hoping to persuade the department to use the cattlemen's system instead of its own. Other groups of livestock producers are also resisting the idea of a mandatory system.

Oh no Mr Government Official ! We don't want someone else to watch us make and sell sick cows ! We'll do that ourselves ! Trust us ! Honest ! We can pretend to be neutril observers even though our very lively hoods are at stake here and we'd basically be ratting ourselves out ! This WILL work , honest !!!!

"We definitely do not believe that this should be a top-down operation where folks here in Washington know best how cattle producers should keep track of their cattle," Goodlatte said. "And we definitely do not believe the government should have control of this information, except when they need it."

"We definately will not tell you diddly squat if we can get away with it , that would seriously hurt our bottom line"

Not everyone likes the idea of an industry-run system. "You shouldn't have profiteering take place on a system that's for safety purposes," said Jess Peterson, spokesman for a rival cattle producers' group, R-CALF United Stockgrowers of America. "You need to have it run through the government."

Only smart thing I read in the whole news article.

So , The US is complaining that Japan and a few other places don't want their beef anymore ? And this is their solution ? Well if they didn't want it before , you think they're going to want it after you do this ???

Politics and medicine just don't mix. But they're trying , they're trying.

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