Tuesday, June 21, 2005


Movie Review Time : Elektra

The hundred million dollar man is still in office, blah . More bombings in Iraq. Junk everyone talks about and knows about. Maybe I'll review a movie today.


Staring Jennifer Garner (2005)

Don't expect a sequil to the Daredevil movie. They completely stole the charactar and dumped her into a new place. They also stole Stick , Daredevil's mentor , and put him up as her trainer.

Special Effects have now become passé , even an obviously b-rated movie like this one has good ones, though they are few and far between. Mostly you will see a lot of martial arts action and fighting.

The tale is that Elektra is an assassin for hire , out to kill some kid, then decides she can't do it. The Hand , Marvel Comics favorite martial arts villian group, gets a little miffed at her for that , and starts sending waves of assassins at her.

Interesting that while they steal Stick from Daredevil , they can't be bothered to stick with Elektra's background from the daredevil movie, they make a new one and ignore that.

Anyways, she's an excellent fighter it seems, but she's either overwhelmed by sheer numbers, or by an elite group of martial artists who actually have magical powers of one sort or another (thats where the special effects come in ) and she doesn't.

The movie is a good one , I would buy it on DVD when the prices go down , but I wouldn't go to the theatre for it. It isn't that great.

It is marred by a lot "emtpiness" . Most everything seems to take place out in the wilderness or in small rooms where there are no back ground actions going on , and there's only a very small number of people on screen at a time. I'm not sure if its the lack of extra's or they really should work more on the back ground music... but that empty feeling can be annoying sometimes. if I want to enjoy nature, I'll take a walk in the park , not put a dvd in the player.

Worthwhile ... but nothing special. Dont bother to try and find links to the Daredevil movie it's a hash job that stands by itself.

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