Thursday, March 03, 2005

Shipping Mad Cows to the USA

Ottawa Boy

BILLINGS, Mont. (Reuters) - A federal judge, worried about the risk of mad cow disease, ordered a temporary halt on Wednesday to Bush administration plans to allow imports of young Canadian cattle to resume next week.

Good !

What are we ? The disease capital of the world ? Trying to legally force people to buy these animals ? What are these canadian jokers thinking ? And I'm a Canadian on top of it all !

I don't even want to eat the stuff and I'm a loyal canadian , what are they doing shipping it somewhere else ? Is the all mighty green back more important than people getting sick and dying ?

Apparently some candians think it is. I have nothing but contempt for them. Close the border. No one should buy our beef if the cows are sick. The problem needs to be fixed in a "medical" fashion, not a "political" fashion. These people are idiots if they think otherwise.

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