Monday, May 22, 2017

DVD with tax information of 28,000 Yukoners lost, says Canada Revenue Agency


 (Population of Yukon is 37 000 , so that's basically all the tax payers)

This is the major problem with collecting information you don't really need. It gets stolen and winds up on the dark net and then you find out next year when the bill collectors come calling that you have two houses and three cars you never knew about and everybody wants to be paid in full right now. 

Plus you can no longer actually buy a house or car because the record shows you already have some and ripped off the crediters (or the scammers did in your name).

Lets not even start down the road of the NSA wanting to build a profile on every human being on the planet, and how they have laws specifically targetting non-USA Citizens who have never set foot in the USA (Julian Assange is the poster child for this)

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