Sunday, May 28, 2017

Do unpaid debts ever disappear?


Statute of limitations

Canadian legislation sets a statute of limitations on unsecured debt. This prevents creditors or a collection agency from taking debtors to court after a certain amount of time has elapsed. The clock starts ticking from the time you last made a payment on the debt, with the the number of years varying across provinces and territories as follows:
  • British Columbia = 2 years
  • Alberta = 2 years
  • Saskatchewan = 2 years
  • Manitoba = 6 years
  • Ontario = 2 years
  • Quebec = 3 years
  • New Brunswick = 2 years
  • Nova Scotia = 6 years
  • Prince Edward Island = 6 years
  • Newfoundland and Labrador = 6 years
  • The territories = 6 years

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 "Unsecured" means credit cards, etc. A loan against your house or car or other property is another matter.  Ditto any money owed the government. (taxes, student loans, fines, etc etc). They still want it 50 years later. (My student loans did get forgiven when the NDP came to power many years ago , but that was a one shot deal, just because they were feeling nice)

But wow, I can tell the credit card agencies to go fly a kite. I like that. Of course the credit agencies that harrass you will still harrass you , and they'll never take you to court anyways, but it's nice to know they haven't got a leg to stand on and I can just throw that stuff out as junk mail. 

I don't have an "estate". No house, no car, no property , so that's pretty much the end of that. 

2 years in Ontario. Wow, what a relief off my mind. I'll never get another credit card again , but guess what ? I dont' want one. It was quite a nightmare and I aint going through that again. 


Friday, May 26, 2017

NASA's latest mission could crash the world economy

 NASA has set the date for a trip to an asteroid that could be worth “quadrillions” of dollars.

It's not going to crash the world Economy.

 Think about it. The value of such a nickle iron rock is that it's already up there in space, you don't have to lift it up, you can make ships out of the asteroid and send them on their way without having to lift out of earth's gravity field. 

It's prime value is that it's already up there. Bringing it down to earth would be a huge waste.





Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Monday, May 22, 2017

Couple calls on Ontario government to ban Indigenous logos, mascots in schools


"We are asking that they ban all offensive First Nations logos and names from all Ontario schools as the effects of these logos/names are harmful to our children. This also includes a total ban of all clothing/accessories that bear these logos," Courchene wrote on Facebook.

Considering it is the intention of these organizations to hold up these logo's as something good, even heroic , you will have serious difficulty demonstrating that the logo's are racist or insulting. 




DVD with tax information of 28,000 Yukoners lost, says Canada Revenue Agency


 (Population of Yukon is 37 000 , so that's basically all the tax payers)

This is the major problem with collecting information you don't really need. It gets stolen and winds up on the dark net and then you find out next year when the bill collectors come calling that you have two houses and three cars you never knew about and everybody wants to be paid in full right now. 

Plus you can no longer actually buy a house or car because the record shows you already have some and ripped off the crediters (or the scammers did in your name).

Lets not even start down the road of the NSA wanting to build a profile on every human being on the planet, and how they have laws specifically targetting non-USA Citizens who have never set foot in the USA (Julian Assange is the poster child for this)

Saturday, May 06, 2017

Agile bat-shaped robot may change the face of drones 

WASHINGTON — Holy drone, Batman! Mechanical masterminds have spawned the Bat Bot, a soaring, sweeping and diving robot that may eventually fly circles around other drones.

Because it mimics the unique and more flexible way bats fly, this three-ounce prototype could do a better and safer job getting into disaster sites and...

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Owl swoops in , grabs and wrecks the three ounce drone , flies away.
(do a search for "what eats bats" owls are high on the list)
