Monday, January 23, 2017

History Repeats Itself

/sarcasm on
How dare these black boys deny "The Great Klu Klux Klan", as Thomas Woodrow Wilson properly put it ? Don't they know Thomas Jefferson offered a solution to this problem by offering to send the blacks back to "barbaric" africa ? Except for his own slaves of course, that could hurt his business. Of course sending them back could be problematic since James Monroe actually conquered strips of Africa, liberating it from the blacks, and so calling it "Liberia" , so I guess we're not sending them back there.
And on the subject of "incidery publications" lik
e that painting , we should follow Andrew Jacksons lead in 1835 completely prohibiting such thigns under severe penalties. Free speach is only for white folk ! Just like the right to bear arms !
In the words of the immortal Donald J Trump “Black guys counting my money! I hate it. The only kind of people I want counting my money are short guys wearing yarmulkes… Those are the only kind of people I want counting my money. Nobody else…Besides that, I tell you something else. I think that’s guy’s lazy. And it’s probably not his fault because laziness is a trait in blacks,”
Truely , this guy is in touch with the common man.

/sarcasm off
yep. Those are real quotes from real presidents. USA presidents, even.

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