Saturday, March 14, 2015

Barbie and her NSA Adventure

Artical =

Once a button on the doll is pressed, the Barbie will record a child's voice with its embedded microphone. That recording would then to be sent via Wi-Fi to Mattel’s technology partner, ToyTalk, which would process the audio with voice-recognition software and help the Barbie come up with a chatty response.

The doll is going to transmit everything it hears across the internet , and then a response will be transmitted back.
In this age where the NSA is working hard to destroy all encryption and lay everything open to be easily hacked , "We're fighting Terrorists darn it ! You're helping terrorists if you encrypt your stuff !" , you want to transmit everything said in the room across the internet.

Also ... the notion that you have to push a button for it to do this is nice, but LG / Samsung already did this with their "smart TV" that listens for voice commands, and offically can be turned off. The off switch turned out not to work.

So , Matel has joined the list of people trying to get a microphone into your living room (LG and Samsung with their TV's , Microsoft with it's Connect Controller , which is a camera not a microphone) and transmit EVERYTHING across the internet to a server for processing.

Can this NSA crap get any more depressing ? Your cell phones, your computers, your email , american routers , anything that transmits information across the internet (I'm looking at you , Internet of Things , and you're bizarre idea that I need a radio ID chip in my blue jeans to lead a full and productive life ...)


There is one thing I would like to point out to this easily hacked toy that NSA will catagorically refuse to allow to have functioning encryption on.

"Lets go to the front door , Annie . My friend Ken is waiting there to give us cookies ! How about that ?" I'll let you figure out who's really waiting at the front door.

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