Wednesday, August 01, 2012

Where did all the guns come from ?

Ottawa police chief steps up fight against gangs, gun violence

Last Paragraph

Most of the guns on Ottawa’s streets are handguns — half were stolen from registered owners, the other half smuggled into the city from the United States, police said.

Some might go off on a tangent about thieves stealing the gun registry and using it to target these people , but that would not be correct. All guns in Canada are registered. So now matter how the thieves got the gun , it's a registered gun.

What is correct to say is that if you didn't have a gun , it couldn't be stolen , and there would be a lot fewer guns out there. Such a statement does make a strong argument in favor of gun control. The fewer guns out there in hands of people who don't need them (sports shooters) the better.

As for the ones smuggled into the USA , I think we need to talk to the companies making those guns and see if we can convince them to put a few ringers in with their regular gun shipments. Guns with some kind of micro sized gps tracking device , one with every other shipment kind of deal. Track those guns by satellite , find out what path they're taking into Canada , and start arresting everyone and the hot dog vender.

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