Tuesday, May 08, 2012

Ta Leme , Greece

In Greece

Unemployment in july 2010 was 11.8%

Unemployment in Jan 2012 was 20.7% (and it's still climbing)

It doesn't take much to see that raising taxes while unemployment is heading for the roof is a losing game.

It doesn't take much to see that freezing wages when unemployment is heading for the roof is a losing game.

It doesn't take much to see that as the value of your currency drops the profit margin for exporting junk vanishes and businesses go out of business. (You have to buy resources at an ever increasing cost)

It doesn't take much to see the game is over.

It is time for Greece to leave the European Union and go it's own way. Kicked out you say ? Or fleeing a sinking ship. The European Union isn't doing so hot either, and Greece will only be the first to abandon it.

Ta Leme (Good Bye) Greece. Though not really. Bet you fair better outside the european union than in.

EDIT : may 9th , Germany and France are offering to lend Greece more money anyways, so they can "service their debt" , while the election turmoil calms down. Huh ? So what you're saying is , you're lending them some cash so they can immediately give it back to you ? Ok then ... lets look at the definition of Bankruptcy ....

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